but can she bake a cherry pie?

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everything is choking on ambivalence
Tuesday, Mar. 06, 2007

Now Playing - nothing.
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - sleepy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Y'know, it's nice to be told you're now on someone's short list of the finest actresses on Lawn Guyland. It'd be nicer still if (and welcome to life on my personal escalier) I could have managed to say this in response:

"Then hire me. And don't give me opening night notes saying 'Welcome back' when it's not like I've made a concerted effort to stay away."

In other strangeass theatrical happenings, I was approached by an "impresario" for whom I have worked, and asked to come down and audition for a show I love, but figured I wouldn't be doing for at least another ten years. But seeing as he'd told me I was too old for another show by the same composer within the last year (not true), it makes PERFECT sense. The show is a beast, the role is as well, I'm flattered he asked me and would certainly like to keep myself on the radar screen there. So I'll probably go down for it, though without any grand aspirations.

So two shows up, one to go. (One lift that needs to be re-choreographed because my dress simply will not allow it!) Two auditions on the horizon. One summer show set.

My birthday was a lot less miserable than I'd planned. And believe me, I was all set for a good wallow. By evening the "mood" had somehow lifted, and I'd treated Huz to a dinner of the freshest-tasting jarred sauce I've ever had, and Trader Joe's pesto and cheese gnocchi (which Huz, Bad Italian that he is, insists on pronouncing "yukky.") So birthday = not so bad. No dinner (yet - we're planning on getting together with The Fabulous and The Singing Dentist to celebrate our Piscean birthdates at some point this month), no presents (it's for the best - we'll have a mortgage to pay), but really, not so bad. Talk to me next year, though.

I am all about the Trader Joe's love these days, having hit it on the way home from practically every weekend rehearsal. Whole wheat mini-pitas with cilantro yogurt dip, Coconut Curry Chicken Stix with Thai Red Curry sauce, Fage Total Greek yogurt with honey, cute little containers of chocolate soy milk...all good and vaguely healthy, even!

Yeesh, I'm tired. I'll save the bad hair news for tomorrow. 'Night.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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