but can she bake a cherry pie?

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the eatin' of the green
Monday, Mar. 21, 2005

Now Playing - smoove jazz.
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - sleepyish.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

There�s nothing subtle about having bright green bagel stuck in your teeth. And those bagels were really green.

See? (That�s me and The Partner in Crime.) A happy belated St. Patrick�s Day.

I had a dress rehearsal for Joan Friday night, and opened Saturday afternoon. The dress went very well. The opening went well enough. The woman who booked us, who had a fit when we tried to rebook due to my Crucible schedule (She essentially shrieked via email how �you think you have a commitment from someone, but when they get a better offer, GOODBYE!� and then after David placated her, calmly explained how she wanted it for March because it�s Women�s History Month. If she�d said that in the first place, instead of freaking out, how much more pleasant things would have been. Guess she comes from the �catch more flies with an Uzi� school of thought.), and who is famous for never showing up for the programs she booked, wasn�t there. I know, you�re as stunned as I am. Even more stunning were the posters and printed tickets, advertising our little shpil as��Jazz Baby JANE.� Oy. Idiot. Grrrrrr�.

Finally saw an eye doctor last week. I think I like him. He was kind of dry at first, but warmed up after we discussed Fiddler on the Roof and he got the inkling I might be Jewish. I�m going back on Easter (yay for frum doctors!) to have the eyes dilated so he can assess the floater issue. So that potential bad news is deferred for a bit. The current slightly bad news is�I may need reading glasses in addition to my contacts. PRESBYOPIA! I�m getting old! Oy redux. But I have nice, fresh, clean contact lenses and I am happy.

The diaryland crap-out this weekend was fun, no? Wonder when we�ll get our image directories back. I uploaded some stuff just because I was tired of looking at boxes with xs in the corners.

I had a dream the other morning that I was about to be dooced. The head of admin (who is sweet as pie to my face but complains about me no end) was skulking around, and I was just waiting to be called to the chopping block. All of which made for a tense morning sleeping experience, which seemed to be par for the course last week. Have a tension-inducing dream, wake briefly and be unable to shake it, ruin what�s left of your pre-alarm slumber. I�m sure it was just the spectre of Joan Crawford looming over my head. But she�s gone daddy gone �til May. Hurray.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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