but can she bake a cherry pie?

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notes from a friday
Friday, Nov. 10, 2006

Now Playing - L&O.
Now Eating - drinking, Fanta.
Now Feeling - well-coiffed.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

In my mailbox this morning:

�::insert name of prof here:: said that she left a piece of paper for me in my mailbox (by the receptionist) last week. You check my mailbox, right? If not, could you from now on?�

My reply:

�I had only been checking it for evaluation forms. In it today are 3 envelopes addressed to you, an AALS journal and a postcard about a new book publication.�

Her reply:

�Oh, okay....please just bring all the mail down each day. Can you tell who the envelopes are from?�

I know New Dean is on the short side, and her mailbox is on the top row, but c�mon. Is it just me, or is that a tad lazy?

Deep cleansing breaths. My modus operandi is now to yes her to death, and pray that once The Partner in Crime comes back there will be a more equal division of powers, Even though there will still be some things I�ll wind up doing, seeing as I�m kind of the �legs� of the office. And since New Dean is apparently height- AND energy-challenged.

After work, I got myself some lunch because The Amazing Jill, Sorceress of Tresses couldn�t fit me in for an hour. I had a lovely chevre and spinach crepe and some hot chocolate, and whiled away the hour reading a chi-chi Hamptons magazine. Then I got another fabulous haircut. I don�t care that I�ll be working (and eventually living) half an hour out of my way, I�m sticking with this girl. You don�t mess with success. (Get that, Joy?)

Speaking of Joyous, I then high-tailed it to my lesson, which went nicely. (Also nice was the soundtrack on the way there, courtesy of The Preciousss. It consisted of alternating Nields and Beatles.) I�m as prepared as I�m going to be, and The Singing Dentist offered to meet up with me beforehand to run through the assigned scene.

Came home and fashioned a low-effort dinner of hot dogs (Boar�s Head Skinless Beef Franks � color me underwhelmed. Nathan�s still rocks.), Suddenly Salad (sing it with me now) and corn. And now to relax.

[Like the Rozerem commercial, this one makes me laugh every time. Actually, what makes me laugh is my husband imitating the monkey�s punchline.]

Have a good weekend.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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