but can she bake a cherry pie?

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the last five days
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2003

Now Playing - "Hard Candy Christmas" from Whorehouse, because I slept 'til noon today.
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Holy crow, has it been a week.

I took Wednesday and Thursday off to learn Belle of Amherst, because it wasn't going to happen otherwise. The Boss ran me (unintentionally) ragged Monday and Tuesday, and to go from days like that straight into rehearsals at night was just non-productive.

Belle opened, bright and early, yesterday morning. I was terrified. I mean, I have never been so scared to step on a stage before in my life. And the stage is the one place where I truly feel "at home." To be frightened to go onstage is just alien to me. But it went well. I got some moments I'd never "gotten" before, and blathered through some things I never should have missed. But all in all, a respectable first effort. I don't think I left out anything in the script. And the audience reception was very good. One little old lady told me the fact that they applauded so much and stayed around to talk at the end was to my credit, as they usually high-tail it out to their cars as soon as it ends. I'm so glad it's on its proverbial feet. Ah, blessed relief.

Considering how at home I feel on the stage, it's really becoming quite the trial to actually get there nowadays.

I auditioned for The Music Man recently. I'd first heard rumor of this production a year ago, and had my sights set on it for a long time. Joy and I had been singing through the score each week, and I was ready for this one.

Lord, I almost don't even feel like talking about this...it all just gets so incredibly frustrating after a while. Just the same situation over and over again.

Okay. I got a call back. They decided to have another call scheduled at the time of the callbacks, to see more people. It looked like I was the only one actually called back for Marian. Two girls sang and were asked to stay: my voice teacher's nutsy former "student"/member of her opera company, and one girl who sang "Maybe This Time" (and cracked on her high note), which was entirely appropriate since Marian is such a belt role in the Liza Minelli fashion. We then played mix and match with various other contenders for other roles, to see who looked like a "family." We each sang the last chorus of "My White Knight." We read. We left.

I heard nothing. Other people who had heard asked if I'd heard...still nothing. I broke down and asked my friend who's Music Directing what's going on. No-one was cast as Marian. I emailed the Head Honcha of the theater, asking what was going on, and what I would have to do to get the role. Never done that before. I said if the director wanted me to sing through the score/read through the script I would, and reiterated what I had said to people last year when I almost quit High Society - that I did not believe there was anyone on this island who could do this role the way I could right now.

Honcha's response was that the director wanted someone younger, as the child cast as Winthrop is six. And that she felt uncomfortable "forcing" him to cast someone with whom he would not be completely happy. As he still believes that out there, somewhere, is the "perfect" Marian for him. First off, I asked her what I would have to do to get the role. Not what she could do. I actually stated that " I've never blatantly lobbied for any role, or used any of those "theatre diva" ploys to get what I want." Secondly, too old? I'm not asking to be a pushing forty Eliza Doolittle (and believe me, this particular company has had them!) We're talking about an adult role, a midwestern woman pushing spinsterhood, with a much younger, change-of-life little brother. As a friend put it, this production seems entirely too obsessed with Mrs. Paroo's sex life! And considering Harold Hill is pushing forty himself, it might be good to have someone more "age-appropriate" playing opposite him.

I heard last night from a friend that Honcha approached my friend T. and told her to come down for the part. I was going to tell her that myself, since they wanted someone younger. She's a sweetheart...I hooked her up with my voice teacher about six months ago, because she was feeling like I'd been before I found Joy. She hadn't auditioned for Music Man, since she figured I was a shoo-in for the part. Shoo-in, my ass. And I guess I mean that literally.

*sigh* I still don't understand why I have to fight so hard to get the things that are handed to people who are as, and sometimes less, talented than I am.

In other theatrical news, the Psycho Ex is back as Artistic Director at the theater where I'm currently working. I've been joking (semi-seriously) that this means it'll be another ten years before I work here again. People seem to believe that this will not be the case, that things will be "discussed", and that the old status quo will not be the new modus operandi. The previous is brought to you courtesy of The "Drop That Latin Phrase" Society - Sic transit gloria mundi. I knew a Gloria Mundi once...nice girl.

Aaaanyway, I was told by another biggish-wig at this theater that he needed to speak to me for a couple of minutes about "something." We didn't have a couple of minutes to spare, as the curtain was about to go up, but I should get a chance to speak to him tonight. I have a feeling the discussion might center on encouraging me to audition for their upcoming production of Kiss Me, Kate. Not sure how I'd feel about that, as there so obviously are no guarantees in life, and there's nothing to suggest that this audition wouldn't be just another exercise in futility/stupidity. Plus it would conflict with another production I'd really like to do, but again, just because I was involved with it last year, there are no guarantees. And I'm not sure I want to do Kiss Me, Kate again.

Huz is still stressed; he yelled at MIL yesterday, and had to deal with the condescending attitude of her surgeon. He left the house before I did yesterday morning, and didn't get home 'til I was just about to leave for the theater. His sister left a message saying she wanted to speak to him, since they hadn't talked in a while, and figured she'd call him on his "day off." Yeah, some day off he had. When I told him this, he remarked that well, maybe Saturday was his day off. But no! He has a show tonight, plus he's stopping back at his mother's and shopping for some things for us. Maybe Sunday's his day off...but no! He has a show Sunday too! She said in her message that MIL seemed to be improving since she's been taking the Excelon - she seems clearer and more able to remember things. She's missing one salient point: you don't "get better" with these drugs. Alzheimer's is not a reversible thing. The drugs slow down the "getting any worse"-ness of it all. But only for a while. And Huz remarked that she might not be so sure of that, if she'd spent the day with MIL that he just had.

He was asked by the music chair at the high school where he works about implementing a new program next year. They would accept more drum students, but they would not be put in the band. Instead, there would be a separate percussion ensemble whose job it would be to march in the parades, and perform between acts during the concerts, while they switch bands backstage. Huz is so not up to this. Just time-wise and energy-wise. It would involve a third day at the school, plus rehearsal periods at the end of the day. He does have the ideal excuse, still being his mother's primary caretaker, and still trying to straighten out her affairs since FIL's death. He's thinking of telling the chair "not this year...maybe next." It would just be too much.

I made some tunafish yesterday to keep in the fridge. It's been so hectic I can't remember the last time I cooked.

I got a department store brochure in the mail today that had one of those fragrance cards inside it. A cologne an ex used to wear. Made me smile. I wonder if he still wears it.

Time to get my proverbial act together and hit the showers. My Maid of Honor's coming to see the show tonight. The one consolation right now is that the show's going very nicely, and it's fun and folks seem to like it. That has to count for something.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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