but can she bake a cherry pie?

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i am fierce. also, sunburned.
Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007

Now Playing - "Christmas in Washington" - Steve Earle.
Now Eating - drinking, Coke.
Now Feeling - radiant, and I do mean literally.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Last week's wicked PMS came to a head on Friday, when the attitude of the music director annoyed me, and we didn't have a drummer until a half-hour before curtain, and lordy, it's only been three weeks, but I want this show to END, dammit! So in one of those long dark Friday nights/Saturday mornings of the soul, the annoyances of the show became part of that great macrocosm of dissatisfaction with my life. And I began questioning myself, my friends, my job, my talent, my decisions, my relationships, and let me tell you, I was a joy to be around.

But Sunday after the show closed, I hopped onto the ferry and went to hang with the boys in Cherry Grove, and all was magically made better. Poof!

Well, not quite. But food, drink, sun, surf and belting Meadowlark at 3:30 in the morning to the acclaim of pretty boys with lacquered nails who tell me I'm "fierce" can do wonders for a gal's psyche.

I really did need to get away, if even for just 28 hours.

I came into work Thursday after Wednesday�s matin�e day only to be thrown into a meeting about a new job responsibility for which I will be solely responsible, a meeting to which I later discovered I HAD NEVER BEEN OFFICIALLY INVITED. Sure, invite my boss, since "his department will be handling it." Who-all is "his department?" ME. Who will be DOING THE WORK? I don't really need to answer that, do I?

And there was indecision about the condo all week. Our mortgage banker was hoping we could close by the end of the month, to take advantage of some bond that was coming due. The Boss called in a favor to the Town Clerk's office to see if they could check on the Certificate of Occupancy. Huz was going back and forth with UnFairfield about an extension for our lease � "Oh, really? You have a tenant coming in August 1st? They won't mind a 600-square-foot apartment with an unrenovated kitchen and bathroom for $1525 a month?" And I was wondering how I was going to schedule a moving company on one day's notice. Finally, our lawyer told us that the bank's lawyer told him that the C of O would take a couple of weeks. In a variation on Carol's Affirmative Statement Technique, the news that we would not close by the end of the month was met with much relief to our constitutions, if not our savings accounts.

So when The Boss okayed a Monday off for me, and Huz said, "Why not? I'm sure you need it," and those on the Island of Fire welcomed me with open virtual arms, the tension eased a bit. And backstage shenanigans aside, we had a good final weekend's performances. I got to hang all-too-briefly with these two lovely ladies Saturday night, and when the show came down the next day at 4 p.m. I flew into the dressing room and was out six minutes later, headed for the 4:25 ferry. I was aboard by 4:20, but I hadn't needed to rush. The ferry was delayed due to "dangerous lightning," the only evidence of which were flashes glimpsed from the corners of my eyes that made me feel seizure-prone. So I whiled away the minutes with a fellow thespian, and the boat made record time across the bay. And 28 hours of blissful "I am here (Isle of Fire), and not there (Isle of Long)!" followed.

Photographic evidence (not to self-aggrandize in the least, but I'm referring to the chestal region):

I am fierce.  Also, sunburned.

Hope your weekend was swell as well.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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