but can she bake a cherry pie?

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don't let the door...ohyouknowtherest
Thursday, Apr. 30, 2009

Now Playing - the news.
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - tired.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

The Daily Little Law School Stupid

So The Little Jewish Law School sent out a postcard about an upcoming CLE (Continuing Legal Education) program, in which the word "participant" is used TEN TIMES in THREE PARAGRAPHS.

The program title? - "Writing Well and Writing Better."

The Daily Little Mel Stupid

I was cooking dinner tonight, and my thoughts turned (as they sometimes do) to my hypothetical wishlist of kitchen tchotchkes.

I reached for a spoon in the silverware drawer, and thought, "I could really use some sort of...scoop to get flour out of the flour canister."


Sometimes it's a miracle I dress myself.

So that whole "getting kicked out of our office suite" thang that I mentioned? Looks like it will be happening.

Looking back, I see I never wrote about this. As of last July, there have been two people who do The Boss's old job, Teeny Dean and Texan Dean. They're each part time, two days per week and alternating Fridays (Texan Dean also teaches, so that's where she spends her other time). They each only work 'til 6:30 p.m. one day per week (a really big help to our evening students), neither works extended hours during the Fall Registration period (a really big help to ANY student), and neither seems willing to come in to cover if the other cannot work her scheduled days. Add to that the fact that Teeny Dean has palmed off onto others things that used to come under her job description, and the additional fact that she WILL NOT EVEN CHECK HER EMAIL WHEN SHE'S OUT OF THE OFFICE**, and let's just say this position and office have "become more and more about less and less," to quote one Mr. Lapine. And considering that it's STUDENT SERVICES, that's really a bloody shame.

Anyway. Late last summer, another position was advertised - someone to handle dual degrees and scholarships (which Boss #2 used to do, 'til she left for greener law school pastures), and someone to oversee student activities and organizations, which was supposed to be Teeny Dean's specialty. Yet another responsibility for her to shirk. The new person also gets to work late two days a week, therefore eliminating the need for either dean to stay any later than necessary. The job search came down to two candidates, one highly-qualified law school vet (much more qualified than Teeny Dean, which I found highly amusing) and one former colleague of Teeny Dean's from her old school, who doesn't even have a J.D.

I'll let you guess who got the job.

There were rumors several months ago as to where the new person would go, and what that would mean as to the configuration of our workspace. But nothing was said outright until an email came two Sunday evenings ago from The Big Dean, detailing all the things that need to be done so that The Boss and I are moved out of the Student Services suite by July 1.


We'll be moved upstairs to the office of The Woman Who Hates Me (But Probably Doesn't, Really). The plan is for The Boss to move to a conference room next door, which will then be connected to The Woman Who's suite, her assistant will move to an office closer to his office, and I'll be plopped in the space just outside The Woman's door. Which will make it look like I work for someone who is not my boss. I've been dealing with that enough for the past couple of years. Boss offered to split the conference room with me, or switch and take The Woman's teeny office. Regardless of how it works out, I just know I'm gonna get screwed. Granted, I'll be thu-RILLED to get the hell away from Teeny Dean, but I'm gonna get screwed. And so will she be when she discovers that adding a boss and removing a staffer won't be an easy switch.

But for now, it's a case of "Would you jump in my grave as fast?" Her immediate response to The Big Dean's email (well, "immediate" in that she wrote back when she finally read it on Tuesday, her first workday of the week) was to make it clear that The Boss had files in "her" closet which needed to be moved, and that the other assistant should be moved to my desk. She also wants to place "chairs or a couch" where Other Assistant's desk was. (So students will have more room to loiter until she refuses to see them?) She also bugged IT to move our files onto a separate drive, since she "can't stand having the combined drive all lumped together!" I guess our files have cooties.

It's going to be a fun couple of months.

**Edited 5/1 to add:

A memo was included with today's Biweekly Mere Pittance detailing the college's Acceptable Use of IT Policy. The last paragraph read in part, "...it is your responsibility to ensure that you...are checking the (email) account for messages regularly...." Someone should have highlighted Teeny Dean's copy. I mean, I was checking email and voice mail and responding to texts from The Boss while I was on vacation. She can't even log in when she's not there for a day. But maybe that's why she makes the Big Bucks and why I...am a schmuck, apparently.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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