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clothes horse
Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006

Now Playing - 60 Minutes' tribute to Ed Bradley.
Now Eating - nothing yet.
Now Feeling - hungry.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

See that?

Until yesterday, that bare spot of floor held a bigass laundry basket. A bigass laundry basket full of clean clothes. Clothes for which I had no room.

Our bedroom closet runs the length of one wall. My half is full, as are three under-bed storage boxes and five drawers. (Okay, nine drawers, but four of them are small ones, suitable only for socks and underwear.) The stuff in the laundry basket was stuff like workout pants, and tote bags, and t-shirts and casual pants (�knock-around clothes,� as my mother would say). Stuff that was either used too often to put away someplace inconvenient, or seldom-used and impractical to store.

I�ve been pretty good in the past year about paring down my wardrobe. In the spirit of purging instigated by our abortive attempt to clean out my parents� house, I�ve become much more cutthroat about what I keep. Many bagfuls have gone to our local clothing drop. Many pairs of black pants have been culled from the herd. But still, the basket lingered. Sometimes it was less full than others, but it was a constant presence.

Huz was cleaning the bedroom yesterday when he said to me, �It would be nice if we could put that basket in the closet. Do you think it�ll still be there in the new house?� I replied in the negative. In the new house, we�ll have a walk-in closet and new, bigger furniture. He�s all for the bigger furniture as long as it fits in the bedroom.

Because I am occasionally A Good Wife, I decided it was time to tackle the basket. Half an hour later, summer stuff had been consolidated in one drawer, knock-around pants were folded in another, with one pair of workout pants on top, two pair of size 6 Gap slacks were sent to the clothing drop (go with G-d, Gap slacks, go with G-d), tote bags were readied to go to storage, and the basket was empty.

Huz is so proud.

(Now, where to put that new pair of shoes?)

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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