but can she bake a cherry pie?

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chili today, hot tamale (2nd bad food pun this week)
Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003

Now Playing - the rumbly of my tumbly. It's dinnah time!
Now Eating - nothing, yet! Damn, I'm hungry!
Now Feeling - hungry! Didn't you hear what I just said?
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I made chili last night. It's good. With chunks o'beef and ground venison. Bambi - It's What's For Dinner. I'm making doctored-up cornbread right now. Sauteed some onions and green chiles and pimientos and jalapenos and garlic, and threw 'em all in with a cup of Monterey Jack cheese. Add some Spanish rice and we're cookin' with gas!

There is a guy across the hall who has a bird. I don't know what kind of bird it is, but when it's conscious it makes shrieking noises akin to the sound of the torture of so many small children. So glad our bedroom's at the back of the apartment. We don't have to deal with such things...shrieking birds and folks who don't seem to know how to not slam their front doors.

In other apartment-related news, Tim'n'Jim, our semi-newly-coupled friends, will be moving to our town effective June 1. Just not to our complex. Though if I stood on our roof, I could throw a rock and hit them. If our roof weren't pitched so steeply. And if I didn't throw like a girl. I told them if they need IKEA guidance to just give a holler. And I'll probably be available to help them move, although I'd be better off staying on this end and organizing.

By the time our third Garcia Girls reading of the day ground to a halt Friday night, I was just stupid tired. And I still had to drive us home, because David's brakes had crapped out on him the day before. Three a day is two too many, if you ask me. Your voice gets tired, your feet hurt from standing up so long, and you begin thinking to yourself, "Didn't I read this already?" I suppose it would be different if I were reading my own work. Not that Julia Alvarez is a bad writer...she does some really interesting things with language. And the reception has been good, though the turnout's been small. We're thinking this book was chosen to appeal to the Hispanic community on the Island. But it wasn't the best choice, since it concerns an upper-class Dominican family, and the demographic it's aimed at is lower middle-class at best. It's also not being marketed well in the areas for which it's intended. No Spanish language bulletins in any of the libraries we've been to.

I think I may be on the verge of a wisdom tooth issue. My palate's been hurting since Thursday. It hurts to swallow. And I think I can feel the edge of a tooth where a tooth shouldn't be. *sigh* It's my own fault, really. All four teeth are still hiding away in there. I keep saying, "I'll take care of them when I have some free time," and there's never enough free time. Or if there is, oral surgery is the last thing on my mind! If this does rear its ugly...tooth, at least I have days off this week and next, should surgery becomes the only option. But I really don't want it to cut into rehearsal time. We have so little of that as it is.

Yes, we had our read-through for Kiss Me, Kate today. It should be pretty good. There are some good people in it. Several of whom I haven't worked with since the last time I was at this theatre, in '94. A few of us got "ostracized" at around the same time. I really am glad to be back. Really.

I think my browser's about to crap out on me, so I'll end this right here.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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