but can she bake a cherry pie?

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the closest i'll come to "madonna-like"
Friday, Feb. 07, 2003

Now Playing - some lovely Joao Gilberto for a lovely SNOW DAY!
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Apologies to anyone who visited during the last hour and a half. I was doing some serious messing with my template. But look down there! A table! Whee!

So yes, we had ourselves a fabulous do-nothing snow day here in the House of Mod. Well, I shouldn't say "do-nothing;" I cooked and did paperwork and cleaned up a bit. And lest we forget, a little nookie to make the afternoon sweeter.

I went to the doctor Monday. He checked me out, I left a little blood behind, he asked, as he invariably does, about my brother (yeah, I know he's the problem child, but it is my appointment!) and then we went into his office to chat.

He said the conventional wisdom used to be to suppress the thyroid - take the pills & trick it into thinking it was operating normally. Then it became the more "laissez-faire" school of thought, which I guess was the fashion when he told me last time, "We'll leave it alone & just monitor it." Now it boils down to seeing what the blood results say, getting a sonogram (next Tues.) and, if the nodule's bigger than a certain size, going to an endocrinologist and having it ASPIRATED WITH A NEEDLE!!!!!!


He said, "The way we draw blood is the way they do this to the thyroid - it's very routine." Yeah, but taking blood from a nice, soft vein is a bit different than sticking a needle into a hard little gland!

And I'm not even sure what the point of draining it would be.

Finally got the results from the blood today. I called Wednesday, and the clueless girl at the desk asked, "Who's your doctor? You had it done at a lab? You had it done here? When did he tell you to call for the results?" before getting back on the phone with the inspiring pronouncement, "We're not sure where your results are." No-one said boo to me for the rest of the day, and when I called yesterday the office was closed, contrary to the message on the machine. Called today and my doctor wasn't there! Guess he took a snow day, too. But Rhonda, The Receptionist Who Knows What's Going On, called me back to say another doctor had read them, and that the results were "borderline." Borderline???? I don't even have a valid reason for feeling so...blecch?

Argh. I wanted my little cheaponi happy pills. Guess this means I'll actually have to get off the ever-expanding arse if I plan on ever kick-starting this metabolism.


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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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