but can she bake a cherry pie?

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couldn't even begin to conjugate the latin
Wednesday, Nov. 08, 2006

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Now Tweeting - Melanie

I went, I voted, I watched the election returns all evening.

Having already heard tales of voting problems in other states (new electronic machines, workers who did not know how to operate the new machines), I was relieved to see our good old flip-the-switch-and-pull-the-lever standbys. Purple Chai mentioned that two machines like ours had been donated to her school and were used for student government elections. I don�t remember if we did that in high school, but I do remember being shown how to vote on a little mechanical mock-up of a voting machine. I�m not even sure if this was around when we were registering to vote, or even earlier, in grade school. It had room on the slates for about 6 candidates on each line, and we were taught how to push the little handle down so the �X� showed by our candidate�s name. So at least in my district, doing your civic duty by voting was something that was ingrained in us from a young age. I�m also impressed by our poll workers. I�ve voted in three towns on Lawn Guyland, and the workers have never been anything less than professional.

It�s one heckuva gloomy day. On the one hand, it�s good sleepin� weather. I love mornings like this one, when I�m not awakened an hour before my alarm by the glare of the Evil, Evil Sun. Would�ve been swell had I gotten just a tech more sleep, and not had the first Exam Anxiety Dream of the semester. It wasn�t especially anxiety-inducing: the one prof who last semester proclaimed he was �on sabbatical from proctoring� was in his appointed exam room, and The Partner in Crime was there in our office (stripped bare in preparation for the move), back at work and fully healed. So call it the Exam Wishful Thinking Dream.

Speaking of exams, The Boss told me today that New Dean had approached Big Dean about having Boss handle exams for just one more semester. The Boss said hells no to that, natch. �She makes a dean�s salary; she should do a dean�s work.� I had thought she was starting to realize how much work the job entails, and that maybe only working 9-5 and �working from home� on Fridays was not practical. There�s one burst bubble.

Overall, she is behaving herself, though, and I�m learning how to handle her. But still, sometimes I see her trying to do the least amount of work for the most money. *sigh*

My flowers are holding up fabulously after a whole week.

I need a haircut. And to go to the bank. And more lipstick.

I need to go home. I think I shall.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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