but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

work. and home. and work.
Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2007

Now Playing - the hum of traffic.
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - drained.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

And now, another thrilling episode of...

How to Tick Me Off: Teeny Dean Edition

The Boss takes you to a business lunch here, at which you have what is essentially a grilled cheese sandwich. Okay, I get that not everyone has as adventuresome a palate as mine, but really? Grilled cheese? Boss brings back some mofongo for me. While I am eating, people tromp into your office for pieces of the "Suck Up To Co-Workers" cake you brought back form the Portuguese bakery you'd never have dared set foot in if not for my boss. When one woman comes in and says "You have cake...and pizza, too?" respond "It's not pizza...it's...THAT." while gesturing in my direction. So apparently I am not a person; I am a thing. That smells like food.

She's on vacation this week. Granted, so are we after a half-day on Wednesday, but every little bit helps. We took the Partner in Crime out for a belated birthday lunch to this place today, and you can bet we planned it with Teeny Dean's absence in mind.

(And it was goooood.)

So, um...yeah. Hi. AM HOMEOWNER.

And so far it's been a bit of an adventure.

In brief:

~Close Thursday the 23rd. Painters in Friday the 24th. Why are they painting in an 88 degree condo? Because the A/C is not working.
~Repair the A/C, break the screen door. I suppose that's a fair tradeoff.
~Except when it takes three more tries to repair the A/C.
~Sporadically move in various boxes over the next few days, in preparation for the big move on the 28th. Which we were so not ready for.
~Movers do an admirable job given our non-readiness, except for several chips and nicks on things like, oh, furniture and walls. Which our friends would have done gratis, plied with only pizza and beer.
~Back to the apartment on the 29th, to clean and spackle and bring back miscellaneous crap and all our clothes. Which doesn't happen because we unwisely decide to take only one car. Clothes will have to wait.
~Discover at 2 a.m. that there is no water being supplied to the dishwasher. At least the washer/dryer works fine.
~Back again on the 30th. Clothes come home, and the closet is stocked and organized. Some purging even occurs!
~8 a.m. on the 31st, awaken to terrific crash from the closet. Open door to discover that shelf with all my clothes on it has come crashing down. Because subcontractors neglected to screw shelving into studs.

Most of this stuff has been repaired. But among the other interesting discoveries, we've found that water leaks under front door into the vestibule due to improperly aimed sprinklers. And water leaks at the bottom of the bathtub door. And I discovered a rather alarming water leak in the boiler room, where the air conditioning unit lives. Water + electricity = bad.

Have you ever noticed running motifs in your life? One of mine, for well and ill, is definitely water. Huz and I are both water signs (Cancer and Pisces) and love the beach and being on the water. I love to swim, but am not as good at it as I'd like to be due to bad experiences as a kid (that is why I refuse to participate in chicken fights, Goofo). We're both fond of taking long, hot showers. And we've had odd water-related things happen in all of our residences. Our first apartment had a pipe for the sprinkler system in a bedroom closet which developed a pinpoint leak, spraying water all over the closet. Our landlord (the bathroom contractor) didn't fix it for several days, at which point it had progressed to where we were emptying the bucket in which we were catching the overflow a couple of times a night. Said landlord was also fond of power washing his pavement, which resulted in the destruction of several of my cookbooks due to their proximity to our open ground floor windows. The dishwasher in that apartment leaked. We've dealt with random leaks in two cars, and the mystery leak in the tub of our last apartment. So it comes as no surprise that we're dealing with water issues here.

But all that aside, it's good. It's pretty and new and ours, and there's space and light and quiet. There's still furniture to buy, and electronics to purchase and set up (someday my tchotchkes will return to their rightful place in our entertainment center, I swear!), and window treatments! Cripes, the window treatments! Is there such thing as anticipatory buyer's remorse? Because I've got it in spades. I had less trouble deciding to get married than deciding on drapes. Apparently my commitment phobia extends only to textiles.

I also have no idea how much money I have in the bank at the moment, and that makes me crazy. I mean, I know what the bank says, and what my check register says, but the twain ain't meeting up right now. And there are several big home-buying checks outstanding. I never thought I'd be urging people to spend my money.

How are rehearsals for The Next Big Thing going? Rehearsals are...going. I wish I was being directed. And not left to stage one of my big numbers by myself. From a musical perspective, it's going quite well. My leading man has remarked on the kickass voices we have in the show. I agree wholeheartedly, but it occurred to me that while they are kickass, a lot of them are also...idiosyncratic. And I don't mean that in a bad way. We have a lot of really interesting voices in this show, and I think it will make the show that much more interesting for the audience. So by that you can gather that I believe the show will sound great. Dot. Dot. Dot.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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