but can she bake a cherry pie?

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takin' what they givin' 'cause I'm workin' for a livin'
Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005

Now Playing - it's ended, but it was Neil Young.
Now Eating - drinking, Wild Cherry Pepsi.
Now Feeling - my feet hurt.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Know what I love? I love this: �Make-me-25-copies-of-this-

The Crazy, she has come early this year. In the past couple of weeks, they�ve thrown housing surveys at me that had to be administered to students ever-so-conveniently while we were conducting class evaluations. (And then I get to number the surveys, as that is apparently beyond the student whose job it is to process the data.) Now we�re in the process of tracking down students who urgently need to sign promissory notes for their Perkins loans. Again, while conducting class evaluations. I give all this stuff to the evening security guards when I leave for the day, and they look at me like I have three heads. It�s not their job to be Financial Aid Harassers or Admissions Surveyors, but it�s not mine either. Nor is it my job to find four classrooms or two 3� hour class sessions next week. All in close proximity, mind you, so the prof can move between classes to view his mock trials. But because the prof is an adjunct, a trial lawyer of note on Lawn Guyland, and someone my boss sucks up to on a regular basis, it�s dumped on me. But when the person who does scheduling calls to say there�s just no room, I feel free to dump it right back on The Boss. Let him go hash it out.

And finals have not even begun. Love how The Boss sends out his memo telling profs �I�ll be here for exams and you should be, too.� Where will he be the first day of exams? Florida. Guess he means he�ll be here in spirit. Well, kum-bay-frickin�-ya.

Is it coincidence that The Boss really begins to piss me off just around the time that raises come due?

Like when he corresponds with a student via email to set up a time for the student to take an exam outside of class, and then neglects to inform us until the student is STANDING IN FRONT OF US and we�re looking at said student like he has three heads? Stuff like that, yeah. When he spends more time tracking down a student who left a tacky comment on a survey (to the point of calling in a handwriting expert) instead of doing his job, I get a mite peeved.

Weird dreams for the last several days, courtesy of too much caffeine too close to bedtime and hormonal headachiness. (Headachiness turns into �headcheese� courtesy of spell check - let�s not go there.) This morning, it was me at my parents� house, and no-one was there because they were all in Florida. The family next door was holding a picnic in my parents� backyard. Toys and food and garbage strewn everywhere. I was getting ready to go all postal on �em, but after speaking with my mother on the phone I was informed that one of the older girls in the family was kind of �dangerous,� and I should refrain from antagonizing her. Since, after all, my parents still had to live next to them. Abrupt segue into work, where two colleagues are walking down the hall toward me. They�re discussing their grandchildren, and one asks the other whether things have changed, whether people still put their children to bed on their stomachs. The other woman explains the whole Back to Sleep movement, and says to the other that �things have changed a lot since you had grandchildren.� (Thing is, in real life they both have grandkids around the same age.) That conversation then segued into something else I cannot remember. There was also the �apocalypse� dream, the �married to someone not my husband� dream, and the �trying to prepare for a show� dream. This is your subconscious on caffeine and estrogen.

So I wound up getting the role I auditioned for, despite getting a voicemail from the director that both Huz and I thought sounded decidedly �I�m about to offer you the role you don�t want.� So I�ll be playing Luisa Contini in Nine at CM Performing Arts Center March 3-19. I�m being cautiously opti realistic about the whole thing. Here�s hoping it will be the start to a fruitful year, performance-wise.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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