but can she bake a cherry pie?

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dinner at eight
Monday, Dec. 05, 2005

Now Playing - in my head, "Dinner at Eight" - Rufus Wainwright. Natch.
Now Eating - a $100,000 bar. Comfort food.
Now Feeling - tummyachy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I have Happy Hair again. After two months, I finally found time to get to my hair girl and have it chopped and glossed. Each time it seems she chops in more and more layers, making it even more fun to play with it. Happy hair for the holidays. Amazing how such a little thing can lighten one�s mood.

Dinner with the folks Friday night, at the original Umbertos, which is where we SHOULD have gone for Thanksgiving so that my mother wouldn�t have had to work like a horse after having back surgery in July all because a certain BROTHER of mine is of the opinion that �Thanksgiving should take place at home.� Which seems to preclude his home, ahbutthat�sanotherstoryanyway....

*whew* Now that I�ve gotten that off my chest�.

The meal was delicious, with tender veal and plump shrimp and wine that made me pleasantly sleepy and the best red sauce in the world, and the waiters remembered my parents and asked after my brother. And WHY do we always wind up at that other mediocre restaurant-which-shall-not-be-named? Because MY BROTHER and his wife used to go there while they were courting, so they get to wax nostalgic each and every time they�re in town. Thirty years of delicious meals served by staff who�ve known us since he was three is superseded by mediocre no-frickin-stalgia. Go know.

The subject of Selling the House came up again over dinner, and Dad asked whether we�d consider going into a mother-daughter living arrangement with them again. When I told him no (again), that we didn�t want to see them sell their house and immediately turn around and sink money into more real estate, he got That Look. That Middle Distance Stare. The look that says, �You don�t know what�s best�here I am offering you this great opportunity and you�re fool enough not to take me up on it. I�m not hearing what I want, so I guess I�ll just stare at the wall over there.� Whereas Mom is happy to listen and occasionally chat about painting, and where we think they should invest the proceeds from the house. (And comment that my brother �cannot be relied on anymore� [!] since she doesn�t think he really wants to move back to Lawn Guyland.) But Dad just stares off at the horizon, a cowboy on a horse in his own personal spaghetti western.

I think what we need to do is pin him down like a lepidopterist with a Monarch and ask him what he wants. And watch him squirm until he finally comes out with it.

With Huz at work Saturday night, I braved The Maul for some Christmas shopping. Armed with a menswear brochure that had been PostIt-ed by Huz, I hit Macy�s and scored him two dress shirts and three ties. And a slightly fitted, charcoal grey wool peacoat for myself. (Hey, for someone whose holiday shopping mantra is �One for you and one for me, and one for you and two for me,� this is progress! And 60% off!) When he saw it, he said, �I always thought you�d look good in a peacoat.� That, and several episodes of peacoat envy inspired by The Fabulous convinced me that I�d made the right choice.

We went to a surprise mini-birthday party for a friend yesterday. While waiting for her to show, we found ourselves discussing that pop culture touchstone for folks of a certain age who find themselves thrown together for several hours after never having spent much time together socially: Seinfeld. Remember The Ugly Baby, and Shrinkage? The Marine Biologist? �They�re real�and they�re spectacular?�

I have a confession to make � I never watched much Seinfeld. I do remember watching one of the very early episodes of The Seinfeld Chronicles, but just never got into the show. Any knowledge I have is gleaned from catching the occasional rerun. And before you paint me with the Elitist Brush, it was probably only because there was something else I was addicted to in the same time slot. I�m not an anti-Seinfeldite, just loyal.

How fun is it to answer the phone when you�ve chomped down on your tongue in your sleep probably 9 times a night for the entire weekend? �Thtudent Thervithes, Melanie thpeaking.� That fun.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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