but can she bake a cherry pie?

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this 'n' that
Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003

Now Playing - radio commercials. Can you tell this is not Public Radio?
Now Eating - nada.
Now Feeling - like I wanna drive an icepick through my left maxillary sinus.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

So last weekend was an Audio-Visual Festival. We finally got off our collective ass and headed to Best Buy to use the gift card my brother and his bride gave us for Hanukkah. We now have a DVD player. Of course, we had acquired several DVDs before getting the actual player. But considering I've done likewise in the past, namely buying CDs before I ever owned a player, this was just par for the course. And since we got a tidy sum for my parents last Hannukah, also earmarked for A/V fun, we splurged on a 27-inch TV. We got home, and I set to rewiring our stereo speakers and wiring us up for Surround Sound. . . ta-ta-ta-taaaaah! And there was much cursing and spitting, and hooking and unhooking of cables, and battling of life-size dust bunnies, and lordy, was it a pain in the ass, but it was all set up by ten o'clock.

And for the past week, Huz has been in all his Surrounded-by-Sound glory. It is pretty cool.

This past weekend? Nothing special. A looong lesson Friday afternoon, and my first visit to Cold Stone Creamery. Yum. Rich, fattening ice cream...it's what's for dinner.

Had a brief email dust-up with a friend who sent out another variation on the "everything's gone to pot because there's no prayer in schools" forward that's making the rounds. He sent it out with just his signature attached - no forwarded headers, no winking smilies, no "I think this is a load of hooey. Et vous?" disclaimer. And then explained to me that he intended for it to be taken sarcastically. Sorry, but when there's nothing to suggest that you don't agree with the opinions being expressed in your e-pistle, forgive me for missing the sarcasm train. I didn't really believe that this was indicative of his point of view, but I really couldn't figure out why he'd chosen to send it on. So, being the good little debunker that I am, I chose to argue it. No harm done.

Saturday I had a reading of my friend's new play, which would have been more fun if I hadn't been 25 minutes late. One would think it would be relatively simple to drive to the next town. Not when you know you want to go one place, but follow the directions to someplace else. I got in the car and started driving to the rehab hospital where my mother-in-law stayed last summer. Same general direction, but the next town over. Don't ask me why. And then I overcorrected and went two towns out of the way in the opposite direction. I amaze myself sometimes.

But the reading was interesting, even though my tardiness prompted the author to shift me to another role. And after, I passed by a jewelry shop a couple of doors down and said, "Hmm...I'm here, it's empty, let's get my engagement ring fixed." So the prongs that were bent since Kiss Me, Kate rehearsals are now straight.

Came home, and my parents came over to drop off Mets tickets, and we went to lunch. I basically loafed the rest of the weekend. Did some food shopping Sunday, and cooked dinner. Went to the variety/hardware store in town (They make keys! And have craft, painting, and sewing supplies, and small appliances! I love little stores where you can find just about anything.), and picked up a roller and sandpaper and painter's tape so I can attempt to refinish a small table we have.

And then back to work. We have these handy little forms here . . .white ones for first years, blue ones for returning students. On these, you can designate any changes to your name, address, phone, email, etc. that you would like published in the Student Directory. One student turned his in, wishing to change his published email address. And put nothing else but the new email address. No name. Do I look like The Amazing Kreskin?

And I just had to explain to a cow-orker what a Sacajawea was. I didn't go so far as to explain to him who Sacajawea was - I hope against hope that he knows that.

The Mets game last night was fun - great seats, through a vendor who deals with my dad's place of business. I took lots of pictures, and when they're developed I'm going to do a little photo essay. Of course, I got several pictures of my beloved. But none with him, because he was busy working and I didn't want to disturb. And because he is a man of the people, and I know in my heart that he can never be mine alone. I must share him with the world. Such is the price of fame. Ah, well.

Hey! I'm supporting Marn in the Jog for the Jugs!

I'm a Bazonga Booster...are you?

You can too!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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