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oh, i've got plenty to be thankful for
Sunday, Nov. 30, 2003

Now Playing - Sensible Chic - HGTV.
Now Eating - Froot Loops, which waylaid us in the cereal aisle.
Now Feeling - like I'm about to embark on one helluva sugar high!
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Part of the problem being that they use some cleaner at work that smells exactly like Froot Loops, resulting in subliminal advertising every time I go to use the loo. Apparently subliminal advertising works so well on me that I caved on my demand for Apple Jacks the moment Huz mentioned Froot Loopy goodness. I'm weak that way, I'll admit it.

I'll also admit to attempting to match Froot Loop colors to the hexadecimal color chart.

So, a Happy Thanksgiving Four Fabulous Days Off to you and yours! I could so get used to this "not working" thing. Especially with class evaluations winding down this coming week, only to be followed immediately by final exams the week after. I'll be Christmas caroling quite a bit, and there are holiday parties and pending auditions and dinners with friends in the offing. The extra pay for proctoring at work will be welcome, but spending ten-or-so hours a day there will not be, since my weekends will be jam-packed as well. Our last day of finals, we have twelve different exams. I will be very happy to see December 19th.

But back to Thanksgiving. We went to dinner here, with just my parents. Originally we thought we'd make the trek to PA to see my brother and sister-in-law, but he's working midnight-to-8 a.m. shifts all this week, so that was out. Then my mom was going to do something small, just have us and my cousin and her huz and child over. My cousin was all excited until she got a call from her father, basically saying "How dare you not spend Thanksgiving with your sister?!?" And a call from said sister followed soon after, expressing the same "sentiments." So she was stuck. As she so aptly put it, "Instead of spending the day with people who make me feel good about myself, I get to spend it with...her."

Not that it was any of my uncle's damn business anyway, since he wasn't even going to be in the same state! He was flying down to Florida to be with my aunt, from whom he is semi-estranged. She left him last year to move to a trailer park down there, and spends her days doing the same things she did up here (watching the soaps, bingo, home shopping), just without him. Don't get me wrong, I love my aunt. She's much better off now, even though I hear rumors that they may be reconciling and he may head down to the Sunshine State, which will be decidedly less sunny with him in it. Frankly, my uncle is a pain in the ass. He took one of those assertiveness training courses in the seventies, and just never looked back. Made me cry countless times as a kid. Is a bigot (yes, scottmichael, it's that uncle), and was idolized by my brother while he was growing up. Thank G-d my brother grew out of that! Has always pitted his daughters against each other, and apparently still does. A real peach. I just feel badly for my mom, who wants to have a relationship with her nieces and grandnieces, and who gets thwarted at every turn. My cousins live five minutes away from her, and she hardly ever sees them. And G-d forbid the cousin who was hosting Thanksgiving could have invited my parents over, after she heard her sister had planned on spending it with them. There's no room at that particular inn, even though there always seems to be a place set for my uncle's sister and her two kids.

My Family, Putting the "Funk" in Dysfunctional Since 1961.

That spewed, we had a lovely time. My mom didn't break her back cooking, the wine was good, I had some very yummy non-traditional salmon, there was turkey for those who wanted it, we found a nice restaurant for future family gatherings, and we were home by 7:00.

We changed clothes and headed out for our traditional post-Thanksgiving evening at Bill and H.B.'s, and had them over here in turn Friday night. Watched Waiting for Guffman, lost at Trivial Pursuit (it's gonna take years to memorize all the questions in Genus 5, years!), and drank too many McSorley's. Saturday we lolled, and then met The Best Man and Wife and Adorable Twins for an early dinner at Ruby Tuesday's. Hit the new Bed, Bath & Beyond and the old Home Depot, and then grocery shopped. I've messed up my body clock big time this week, and was exhausted by the time we got home. But here I am, all fresh and perky in the middle of the night. Monday morning is going to be ugly. I should read for a bit and hit the hay. I have Patricia Cornwell's Jack the Ripper book -- a supermarket impulse buy, what can I say?

But first, what am I thankful for? My health, the roof above my head and that which lies beneath it, the man I share it with, my family, and the friends who are all a part of the "family I choose", my "art" or "craft" or whatever you want to call it, and the joy it brings me...many, many things. Not surprisingly, a lot of the same things as last year.

I'm thankful.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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