but can she bake a cherry pie?

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snot attack and whine
Wednesday, Nov. 02, 2005

Now Playing - smoove jazz.
Now Eating - step away from the Super Bubble, Mel!
Now Feeling - clear-headed, FINALLY!
Now Tweeting - Melanie

No sleep to speak of Sunday night. The Tylenol PMs were no match for the �pseudo�-fed/hot chocolate combo. Not much sleep to speak of last night or the night before either, considering that for the third night in a row, our bedroom hit 79 degrees.

Not good sleeping weather. Especially in October.

The Cold seems to have finally reached a draining point, and with it will hopefully come the abatement of the four-day headache (also not good for sleeping).

Okay, I hereby cease and desist with the cold-related bitching. Promise. Pinky swear.

(Until the next one, of course! BWAHAHAHAHA!)

Revenge of the Misfit Halloween Candy at work. The Boss brought in a huge five-pound variety bag called �Farley�s Kiddie Mix.� Kiddie Krack�s more like it. Jawbreakers, Now and Laters, Super Bubble, SweeTarts, Smarties with leftover Skittles, Snickers and Reese�s Pieces randomly mixed in. By 11:30, I�d had six pieces of Super Bubble and my tongue felt furry. Now I�m working on a six-hour sugar high.

Last night�s anniversary dinner was�okay. (The dinner itself, not any associated anniversarial activities.) It�s tough coordinating main course, sauce, side dish, vegetable and baked goods to the point where they�re all done at the same time. Especially when one�s husband sits there twiddling his thumbs. No fault of his; I�m the designated cook in the family. But getting everything out all at once has always been a bit of a failing of mine. So the pasta was a little al dente, but if I�d let it cook any longer the sauce would have dried up, and the beef was a little tough, though I think it was a combination of bad cut and a marinade that didn�t �work up to its own potential,� as they say on grade school report cards. But Huz was appreciative as always, so I suppose I earned my post-dinner �Thank-you-it-was-delicious� kiss.

He�s working this evening and next, so it�s back to the gym for me. I practically closed the gym Saturday night (they close at 8 p.m.) because I had to get in some cardio after a week of �feeding a cold.� Got off the elliptical at 7:57 and passed on my post-workout stretch so I wouldn�t be �The Thing That Would Not Leave� and the poor girl working there could get the hell out. There were still a few more coats on the rack, so I�m sure she had to kick some folks out of the free weight room after I left. I used to hate that when I worked at the Y. People who would just be hitting the showers at 5 p.m. Like they thought they just had to be done working out by five, and could take their sweet time prettying up.

Just discovered I�m the #1 Google hit for �I cut my own bangs.� I�m famous! *snort*

And with that, fuzzy-teethed and furry-tongued, I leave you.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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