but can she bake a cherry pie?

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shallow mel
Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2003

Now Playing - "Jen in Her Underwear" - Stephen Clair. Odd, but catchy.
Now Eating - baked potato, small salad.
Now Feeling - frazzled.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

This morning's commute turned into Day of the Random Turn Signallers. (It looks more continental with two "l"s, don't you agree?) People had their signals on for ages for turns they could not possibly make unless, as my dad used to say when we were stuck in traffic, "You want me to drive over the cars?" But why should that stop Long Island drivers?

Yesterday, there was much hullabaloo in our office. Various and sundry departments have been working on the revamped version of our website. And everyone is cranky about it. Well, stuff was disappearing that shouldn't have. Accidental deletions of things that could have been disastrous. For example, if our 600+ page template went missing? That would have been very bad indeed. So people were in and out of our office, trying to track down what had gone off to hide where. At one point, there were so many people in here that it looked like the stateroom scene from A Night at the Opera. And our office is about that big. I hid in the copy room because I was getting claustrophobic.

I think I'm in love. With...Bat Boy! The show, people, the show. How could you not love a show with a song called "Another Dead Cow?" That's the next show at the theater. I may audition. It would mean I can't go to Falcon Ridge, though. Not sure if I want to miss that, especially since I'd have to miss out on part of Saturday anyway to come home and do my last Belle of Amherst. But it's so sick and funny that I may not be able to resist.

I just showed up to a classroom to do an evaluation. I was an hour early. Seeing two students instead of fifty-seven was my first clue.... Can you tell things are a little hectic in our office? And finals begin next Wednesday. And the copier just broke for the second time in a week. Please let the service guy make it here today. I'd feel better if I knew what was wrong. It gives these error codes that say "E019 - Switch the power OFF then ON again." The last code meant that a pad that cleans a roller needed replacing. This one? Who knows?

The Boss hit Burger King instead of Wendy's today because he was crunched for time. So my salad has Kraft's "Light Done Right" Italian dressing. Not bad. It's actually got some kick to it!

We're actually going out tonight for my birthday dinner. Yes, the birthday that was way back at the end of February. What can I say? We've been busy. But I have tonight and tomorrow off from rehearsal, so I threw the subject Huz's way and he was agreeable. There was a bit of debate, though. Tonight he would be more clean shaven, but tomorrow he would be less rushed and more prepared. I opted for the more presentable husband. Call me shallow.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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