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scenes from a marriage kitchen
Tuesday, Nov. 06, 2007

Now Playing -
Now Eating - not polenta. Or grits.
Now Feeling - sleepy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Huz came home this evening to find a mysterious tube (Welcome, Googlers!) on the counter. A mysterious tube with a Post-It attached.

Not Polenta

Let me 'splain.

See I had this horrible habit of buying Trader Joe's polenta and then...never eating it. It would sit in the cabinet, waiting patiently, biding its time. Sometimes Huz would take it out, and suggest it as a side dish. "Polenta?" he would ask plaintively. "Oh, no," I'd respond, "polenta wouldn't work well with this." "This" apparently being anything I cooked, ever. Because when polenta magically appears as a side dish in a restaurant it is sublime, but when you have polenta there before you and have to do something with it? Well, in my household it becomes the food equivalent of that engagement gift your brother's future in-laws gave you, that thing that meshes with no other tchotchke in your house. (No, I have no experience with such things, why do you ask?)

So poor polenta would languish in the back of a dark cabinet, until such time as a seasonal food drive would roll around and polenta would be magically whisked away to serve the greater good. Or Huz would just tire of seeing it there and throw it out. I prefer the former scenario; it calls to mind a puppy being sent off to frolic on a farm in the country.

But GRITS, however. Grits are comfort food. Grits can go anywhere, do anything. Grits can be breakfast, grits can be a snack. Grits are pointedly NOT POLENTA, and felt a need to advertise themselves as such.

Oh, who are they kidding? Their days are numbered.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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