but can she bake a cherry pie?

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keep away from runaround melanie sue
Monday, May. 08, 2006

Now Playing - the news.
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - allergic.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Is it weird of me that my first thought, upon seeing the headline on my homepage that read �Dion Returns to Performing After Illness,� was not �Celine...� but �...and The Belmonts?�

Or, as I once commented to WoT, that when someone on this here Intarweb mentions their �DH,� my first thought is not �Dear Husband� but �Designated Hitter?�

I just wasn�t meant for these times.

Exams don�t begin until Thursday. Exam stress, however, is well underway. I had three students accuse me of withholding information today - �Why can�t you tell me what he wants to see me about?� Of course, I sort of was�but it was stuff he needed to discuss with them directly (except in the third case, where my boss had absolutely no recollection of why he summoned this student to our office�) and told me not to discuss. Plus, when he�s the guy with all the answers (except, apparently, to �Why�d I ask this guy to see me?�), eventually I�m going to run out of steam under their relentless questioning, and they�ll leave dissatisfied anyway.

And we�re low on staff for exams. Everyone�s finding excuses. The librarians are the only ones with semi-legitimate excuses; they may be needed to pack up the library in anticipation of our move. But considering that The Powers That Be cannot even give us an estimate as to when that might be.... I thought it was bad last semester, when entire departments blocked off entire days in anticipation of their out-of-building holiday luncheons. For the record, we haven�t even had our holiday luncheon yet.

But now we get �I thought she�d at least ask me before assigning me to proctor. Well, this day I have a doctor�s appointment, and since I leave at 4:30 I can�t finish out these exams, either. And just so you know, I am no longer a willing proctor.� Forgive me if my heart bleeds borscht for you. Next time you put in a thirteen hour day (instead of bailing at 4:30) we�ll talk.

As a result, The Partner in Crime said, �You may be spread pretty thin during exams.� I replied, �I may be spread pretty thin, but everyone else had better not expect to have all their exams collated beforehand. They�ll have to learn to do it themselves.� And then I promptly broke out in hives.

Let the fun begin.

So The Boss had a conference out of town over the weekend, up near my old stomping grounds. I told him to make sure he brought me back something from this place (Nota bene: though it opened before I departed, I�d never even heard of it while I was at school. However, we�re always on the hunt for good �cue, and this place is pretty famous.) Though he couldn�t bring home any perishables, he did score me some most excellent swag.

A shirt.

And the best part? I mean other than the cute/comfy/killer rack (and I don�t mean ribs) factor? It still smells like smoke.


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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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