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we're remembering
Monday, Sept. 11, 2006

Now Playing - a documentary.
Now Eating - nothing. Full.
Now Feeling - tired.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Does it seem that every year since that day the weather has been exactly the same, that same clear, crisp, cloudless blue? It�s like the earth and sky and whatever you call your G-d is trying to remind us. This is what it was like when the world changed. As if we need reminding.

Guy Who Likes to Talk (and Occasionally Sing) While He Works Out was at the gym yesterday. He was enjoying the Jets game, cheering and clapping and occasionally collapsing onto his elliptical machine in exhaustion or frustration, it was hard to tell. I was mighty glad he wasn�t singing. Because he�s mighty into Van Halen�s greatest hits, a medley of which is occasionally played at the gym.

So The Little Law School That Almost Could done gone bought me a temp! Funny, though, if they�d done that in any of the seven weeks previous, I would have had puh-lenty of work with which to keep her occupied. Now? Not so much. Poor thing was bored out of her skull, and my dread fear is that she will just go away one day and not come back, though she assured me she would. I am going to have to make work for her. This is tough because a) see above, re: no work to make, b) I am just enough of a control freak to have one foot rather firmly in the �It�ll be easier if I just do it myself� camp and c) I�m not the boss. I have no aspirations to be the boss, and if today is any indication I wouldn�t be especially good at it.

It�s not so good to be the King.

We did our first performance this year of Fahrenheit 451 tonight. It felt good, for many reasons. It felt good that a boy who said he read Anthem in fifth grade but �didn�t get� this book finally got it. It felt good to discuss censorship, social consciousness and politics with librarians and teachers and like-minded pinko-commie-liberal-hippies. It felt good to see that children can still be open-minded when their parents are not, but that they can (and do) still love their parents anyway. It felt good to perform again, to exercise those �muscles.� It felt good to speak important words, words that were even more poignant on such a night as this. It was only a small something, my small something, but it felt very good.

"Some day the load we're carrying with us may help someone. But even when we had the books on hand, a long time ago, we didn't use what we got out of them. We went right on insulting the dead. We went right on spitting in the graves of all the poor ones who died before us. We're going to meet a lot of lonely people in the next week and the next month and the next year. And when they ask us what we're doing, you can say, 'We're remembering.'"

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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