but can she bake a cherry pie?

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the pit and the parenthetical
Thursday, Nov. 01, 2007

Now Playing - "An American in Paris" - Bernstein conducting the NY Phil.
Now Eating - nothing YET!
Now Feeling - headachy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Beginning next week, I will be responsible for all room reservations for The Little Law School. Make-up class? Bar prep course? Outside organization wanting to use our space? Staffer's potential BABY SHOWER? It's all me, baby. This has been hanging in a pit-and-pendular fashion above my head all year. The woman (who hates me, BTW) who's been handling the room reservations the past few months (after another department kicked that job to the curb) has sort of showed me how the program (which is similar to an Outlook calendar, only far more annoying) works, and we have a staff meeting tomorrow to "train" those in other departments who will be using it to book rooms. A couple of weeks ago, she had said that I would be doing the training, but if she tries that tomorrow, I may just have to laugh in her face. Or run screaming from the room. Or both. As it is, I'm sure I'll be hearing a lot of "Oh, aren't you lucky!" and doing a lot of "Yeah, I really can't wait..." eye-rolling.

The Boss has figuratively stepped up to the plate regarding two issues: 1. I will not be the person assigning classrooms for the class schedule and 2. All requests have to be in writing or done via the room management software. The latter's more important, as The Woman Who Hates Me made mention of profs who come in with last minute room demands and then stand over you as you cater to their every whim. Can't. Wait. Boss says he'll be the bad cop about such things, and "I'm sorry, you have to fill out a request first, Boss's orders!" will roll trippingly off my tongue. And to not have to assign rooms for the master class schedule? Bliss. Especially since that would have added another cook to spoil the soup. The Spring registration packet was supposed to be available this past Monday and it's still not ready.

We'll see how well all of this goes, however. Somehow I doubt I'll have enough time on my hands for my pet project, a sampler featuring that old (yet always apt) saw "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part" to be displayed prominently on my desk.

Or time for this, but I'm giving it a shot again anyway.

It's our ninth anniversary, and we're going to the same place I went with The Fabulous and The Singing Dentist over the summer. Beef beckons. Expect a food-centric post tomorrow, Maggie Mason be darned!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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