but can she bake a cherry pie?

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just call me the worst doctor in the world
Wednesday, Jul. 13, 2005

Now Playing - HGTV.
Now Eating - there's a McD's Fruit & Walnut salad in my future.
Now Feeling - like I need to hit the shower.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I took a mental health day today because everyone is PISSING. ME. OFF. Not intentionally (not everyone anyway; there are a couple of folks on the �debatable� list), but I�m also PMSing and therefore not exactly willing to grade on a curve here. GAH. Yesterday was The Partner in Crime�s first day back after two weeks in Italy. People coming into our too-tiny office space to ask about her trip. (E., know I don�t begrudge you talking about your trip! It�s just when it�s followed by �And when are you going on vacation?� that I wanna shout �I�m not, really, unless you count taking time off while MY MOTHER HAS SURGERY!�) While PiC was at lunch, I attempted to get some filing done. It was going swimmingly, until I wandered away and accidentally left open a file marked �Humor.� I came back to fine The Boss standing over the open file drawer in our already cramped office space, chortling at funny lawyer stuff and IN MY WAY.




And keeping me from the task at hand.

He is still in possession of his head, so I guess that�s something. And he acknowledged today when I �called in crazy� that I have seemed a little irritated these past couple of days.

Gah. GAH!

I spent an hour on a crappy old elliptical machine at the gym today, trudging along and going over my script for the two Joan shows I have this weekend. Have I managed to defy the laws of physics, or is it a sign of something wonky in that I burned 688 calories but only managed to log 3.67 miles? That�s it � back to the shiny happy new ellipticals from now on. Felt okay (not as �worked out� as on the new machines, though), and I am still garnering weight loss comments, which is all the inspiration I need to keep it up.

We took the folks out furniture shopping this weekend. Their sofa and loveseat were bought off the back of one of those North Carolina furniture trucks, and are really showing their age. Mom also wants something she can recline in other than a free-standing rocker-recliner. (�Recliners for everyone! And bring me the finest bagels and muffins in all the land!�) (ID the second part of that and you get 50 points.) We saw some lovely, quite expensive sets. My mother, the Pisces with no self-control was all �Buy! Buy! Buy!� whilst Dad the pragmatic Aries was all �No! No! No!� I can see where they�re both coming from, but it was actually almost nice to have no dog in this fight. Look, honey, two people arguing about buying furniture, and it�s not us!

Not that we really argue about such things. When we needed a new couch, we hit all the stores in the nearby �Furniture Alley,� and once Huz had Goldilocksed all the couches in our price range, I spirited him off to IKEA and plopped him down on the one I wanted. He loved it, I knew it, we own it. This should bode well for tomorrow night�s recliner shopping expedition, as ours died with a loud crack when I sat down on it the other night. (SHU-UP! I AM NOT FAT! PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO DESIGNS ON SEEING ME NAKED HAVE TOLD ME SO!) Nice big ol� broken spring. I am woman, hear me rock. Forcefully.

Ooh, it�s July�shouldn�t there be a new IKEA catalog coming soon?

That�s about all my news that�s fit to print. A couple of shows this weekend, Falcon Ridge next week (okay so it is sort of a vacation), who knows if Mom�s having surgery, trying to figure out if I should audition for a show during which I have a performance conflict, wondering when we�ll next get down to see the MIL, not stuffing my face, and logging miles to nowhere.

And so it goes....

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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