but can she bake a cherry pie?

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too tired to title
Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2007

Now Playing - L&O: SVU.
Now Eating - drinking, water.
Now Feeling - enervated.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Thirteen and a half hours at work yesterday. I am still wiped. And surprisingly, I only wanted to kill Teeny Dean just a little. But it's early yet � two weeks to go.

When students take exams out of class (due to a conflict of exam times or if they get special accommodations for disabilities), they leave their bookbags in Teeny Dean's office. I can't help but believe in kismet just a little bit when right after I tell Teeny Dean she just has to get them to turn off their cell phones - the random ringing and beeping was driving me nuts � I check the mailroom and our mailroom guy hands me the gaslight device. Heh. The timing could not be more perfect. Plant it now while there's all sorts of random beeping going on, and see her lose her mind when she can't discover the source once things quiet down.

Mittens are not conducive to flipping your fellow drivers The Bird. The effect is less "You drive like an ass!" than "I brandish my fingerless glove in your general direction!"

My skin is so dry right now, between dehydration, hot showers and ten hours spent out of doors this weekend. Oh, and there was that bottle of shiraz I consumed Saturday night. Feeling like the wrath o'gawd inside doesn't help matters on the out. Damn those sulfites. And the stomach unease that may be me trying to fight off whatever dastardly bug may be going around, and that felled Huz last Friday. Talk about your wrath o'gawd. Not pleasant.

The reading went well last week, but there will always be a part of me that feels a little uncomfortable doing them. The dialogue portions are fine, as I'm playing a character, but the narration always feels and occasionally sounds stilted. David called me on it early on. I tend to fall into a rhythm where the ends of my sentences drop in pitch. It sounds not unlike the really annoying voiceover artiste who reminds me of an animatronic Lara Flynn Boyle. I don't remember which network she's on, but she usually does true crime shows, and I've never made it through one program because her voice is so anesthetizing.

Odd, yet oddly comforting dream about an ex this morning. During our relationship, I had done something (as Mrs. Lovett would say) "not very nice." I can't even explain it except to say it was...something personal that was not intended to be taken personally. No. More like lashing out at him through a third party, and neither he nor the third party deserved such treatment. Such were the circumstances of our relationship that it was never really hashed out, but through the intervening years a friendship has survived. Dreaming of him was quite unexpected, as was the feeling of forgiveness when I awoke. Sometimes it helps to find forgiveness even when one is not expecting it. Even if only in dreams.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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