but can she bake a cherry pie?

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with friends like these....
Friday, Jul. 02, 2004

Now Playing - a commercial. Damn you, non-public radio!
Now Eating - Panera's Frontera Chicken sammich.
Now Feeling - full.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

So I have this friend�

I can hear the moans now��Here she goes, deconstructing something someone said to her, obsessing all the way, ha-ha-ha!� But it�s not me this time. It�s this friend, with a �friend.�

This �friend� dicked her over big time, if I may coin a phrase. Seems she got some inadvertent dirt on him, dirt that could have easily gotten him kicked to the curb by his significant other. Which she chose not to reveal, being his friend. He however, proceeded to make her life miserable, berating her in front of cow-orkers, insulting her performance skills, just generally being a dick. Now, I know blackmail is an uuuugly word, but if someone has potentially life-changing scuttlebutt on you, is your first course of action to make their life a living hell? I�d be buying them a ticket to the Bahamas.

Long story short, they parted company. She lost her day job, and has been freelancing as a performer where she can. The falling-out affected this as well, as she was not about to be hired by him. A couple of months ago, I got a forwarded email message from her that had his address listed as the sender. Curious, I wrote her to ask what was going on. He�d emailed her out of the blue, I think to ask her to work with him, and magically they�re �friends� again.

Except he�d never brought up what had occurred, and never apologized.

�He doesn�t apologize; I know this about him.�

That�s all well and good for him, but guess what? That�s what grown-ups do. Especially when they�ve made their �friend� so miserable she�d entertained thoughts of quitting doing something she loves. And made her friends want to nail him to a tree, douse him with gasoline and� ::deep cleansing breath::

And she�s now working with him, back at the place she was fired from. A few weeks ago, she said, �I�m sure their jaws will hit the ground when they see me walk back in there, but when I come walking back in with HIM....�

They�ll think you�re a fool. I�m your friend, and I know I�m thinking it. Your spouse certainly hasn�t forgiven him. Hell, Huz wouldn�t work with him again if you held a gun to his head, because he�s had more than his share of his �attitude,� both first- and secondhand. (If you wanna snark on someone else�s performance skills, better make sure your chops are top notch. And his ain�t.) I�ve never had a problem with him in our limited interactions, but I�d like to think he knows that if he tried any shit with me I�d rip him a new one.

He �doesn�t apologize.� And she�s okay with that. I�m not, but it�s really not my thang. Except I have this more-than-sneaking suspicion that it won�t be the last time he �doesn�t apologize.� And with �friends� like him....

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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