but can she bake a cherry pie?

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mascot love
Wednesday, Jul. 30, 2003

Now Playing - something by East Mountain South...why can't I find their album?
Now Eating - nothing yet, but heading to CPK.
Now Feeling - hungry.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

First off, Sheila E.? Very cool. She looks amazing. Very down-to-earth, had lovely things to say about Ringo Starr (with whom she�s touring) (and, as I said to my husband, "This is the closest you�ve ever come to a Beatle!"), had audience members up onstage with her to play conga. One was a boy of maybe twelve who�d only been playing for a year-and-a-half, and was actually quite good! Played kickass conga, timbales and set (Huz says she�s a better set player than she gives herself credit for) and closed with "The Glamorous Life," during which the music stopped, she went off on a long timbale riff, she stopped, we applauded, she went off on another riff, more applause, then the music came back in and she finished up the number. She said that she plans to do clinics on her off nights while on this tour, to "give something back" and help promote the charity for abused/abandoned kids she�s started. (And is that logo not the cutest damn thing?)

My brother has had a twitching muscle in his arm for the past few weeks and has convinced himself that he has ALS. Now, my maternal grandmother died of it, and there can be a genetic tendency toward it, but he's gotten himself and my parents depressed and obsessed with it. Color me funny (and, once again, thankful I'm not part of their fatalistic gene pool), but I'd rather make myself crazy with worry over something that is actually occurring, not something that hasn't yet. But it's kind of like that old joke - "Why are you hitting your head against the wall?" "Because it feels so good when I stop!" Sorry, but I'd rather not be that miserable to begin with.

My parents seem to think this means I don't care about my brother. Of course I care, I'd just prefer not to get myself all worked up about something that does not yet exist. And that's why I don't have ulcers, y'all.

We had a quadriplegic graduate here taking part of the Bar Exam yesterday. I sat in his room for a few minutes to relieve his proctor. The software he uses to type was fascinating. All voice-activated, and formulated to respond to commands like backspacing, skipping lines and deleting. And to spell things out, he used the military alphabet.

Seeing someone like him, and knowing that a friend has been diagnosed with a small breast cancer and my brother is going in for these tests makes me think even more about making out a Living Will. I do not want extraordinary measures used to prolong my life. If something should happen to me to leave me with a reduced quality of life (and by reduced, I mean with no possiblility of restoration to my current relatively healthy and self-sufficient state), take out the feeding tube and turn off the ventilator. I do not want to end up like K@ren Ann Quinl@n or N@ncy Cruz@n. And I love my parents, but I have a sneaking suspicion that there is more likelihood than not they would fight to have me kept alive against my wishes. I know even getting it in writing is no guarantee things would go "my" way in the courts, but it doesn't hurt to have a hard copy of one's wishes somewhere handy. On to lighter subjects.

So the Mets lost last night, but it was a fun game. And hey, free tickets. Can't argue with that.

~Two Ballpark Hotdogs + One Pepsi + One serving Nachos + One bag Cotton Candy = approx. $22

~Now owning a miniature Mr. Met Bobble Head doll and The Huz owning a foam rubber pointy finger = priceless.

I loves me my Mr. Met. Seriously, I have a bizarre attachment to the lil' guy with the enormous head (behave yourselves!), which culminated in my meeting him when he visited for some "Family Day" function at my last job. (I have pictures, yes I do. Which I will scan and post.) I think it's vestiges of my deprived childhood that make me so attached to things like theme parks, cotton candy and large-headed sports mascots. The Huz is very understanding. He realizes Mr. Met will always come first in my heart, and that what I feel for him will always be a pale shadow of the true love I have known, and lost.

(And now I have a mini Met for my desk at work! Whee!)

There's been way too much togetherness this week. This'll be our third night in a row out and about. We're going into the city to see The Fabulous's show, and Huz has responsibly bought train tickets beforehand. And it should be as lovely a night, weather-wise, as last night was.

Here's to a lovely night.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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