but can she bake a cherry pie?

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it's the little things
Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004

Now Playing - "The Piano Has Been Drinking" - Tom Waits.
Now Eating - Lunch would be a grand idea right about now.
Now Feeling - Hoooon-gry!
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Tell me if you think this is odd. My mother (and I can hear you all rolling your eyes, there!) ran into a girl I went to school with in the diner over the weekend. I was friendly with R. in grade school, but we drifted apart in high school. She was a nice girl, but just not really a part of my close circle of friends. Mom had run into her several years ago, and as I recall, had taken her number and told me to get in touch with her. That she was dying to hear from me, and catch up on old times. I got the impression that perhaps her life had not turned out as she hoped, and she was sort of �hearkening back.� I didn�t get in touch with her because I really had nothing to say. So Mom sees her again. And R. has a six year-old daughter, and is living back with her parents. They catch up on old times (inasmuch as you can with an acquaintance of your child) and Mom gives her my phone number. And does not understand why I have a problem with this. This is a person I have not spoken to for almost twenty years. I have a hard enough time staying in touch with the people from high school I want to speak to (Hi, Ashu!), and here she goes giving my number out to someone who has in essence become a complete stranger? And, I repeat, does not understand why I have a problem with this. Umm, Mom, perhaps you should have taken her number and said you�d pass it on to me, therefore giving me the option of deciding whether or not to call her, and letting me look like the bad guy, if need be. Umm, Mom, perhaps you should clear it with your daughter before giving her personal information to someone who now amounts to a stranger on the street. But that�s my momma, no impulse control.

I doubt R. will call. Perhaps she just took my number to be kind to a crazy woman. (Joke, it�s a joke!) I feel badly, but I really have nothing to say to her. People drift apart. I�m sure it makes Mom feel all warm and fuzzy and nostalgic for my childhood, but I�m sorry, high school was pretty hellish at times, and I don�t feel the need to hearken more than absolutely necessary. If that makes me a heartless bitch, so be it.

I�d say there�s an 85% chance of a snow day tomorrow. Last Thursday, I had a student call en route to evening class to say that she could barely see five feet ahead of her on the road, and when were we closing the school? I looked out the window, and told her there was nothing coming down. �But I�m only three exits away, and I bet it�s gonna start coming down there in, like, five minutes!� I told her that until it did, we could make no determination regarding closure, and to keep checking in. When I left work 45 minutes later, what was on my windshield? A light layer of flakes, easily brushed off with one sweep of my wipers. Some blizzard. Oh, the drama of the law student.

Huz made me laugh this morning by corrupting the Peter Gabriel�s "Shock the Monkey" in honor of the Chinese New Year.

He made me laugh last night by bringing home a bit of nostalgia from his parents� house�a panda candle, which he said had graced their mantle for many years. We have this odd running �panda� theme. My second childhood teddy bear was a panda, which still lives at my parents� house. (My first, a koala, sent me into an inexplicable fit of terror, after which he was �replaced.� It�s not something the family likes to talk about.) We�ve watched panda documentaries together. And, of course there�s�

Sexual Harassment Panda

Monkeys and pandas. What can I say? Huz and I have an odd fondness for cuddly non-domesticated animals.

Panda candle is a bit musty-smelling, and has seen better days. We�re thinking, next time we have Bill and H.B. over, we could burn the candle in counterpoint to their Christmas tradition of burning a Santa candle until it implodes gloriously upon itself. Ah, the traditions couples create for themselves. Burning marsupials in effigy. It�s truly the little things you do together�.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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