but can she bake a cherry pie?

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home again, home again
Monday, Jul. 03, 2006

Now Playing - Randy Newman, "My Old Kentucky Home."
Now Eating - nothing - about to head out for lunch.
Now Feeling - rested.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

So. We had a really nice vacation. Nice as in �the few times I though about work (and those were relegated to looking at work emails and thinking �Hm. Nothin� I can do �bout that,!�) I did not have heart palpitations.� Nice as in swimming, sunning, stuffing our faces, shopping, sleeping, skinny dipping�all those good s- words.

And laughing. We laughed quite a bit. Case in point: when I was squeegeeing the massive glass shower stall wall post-shower, and Huz said offhandedly, �You do nice work. I�d give you a dollar, but how do I know you won�t spend it on booze?�

Or when my mother-in-law kept going on about how beautiful I was, then turned to Huz and said, �You�re good.� It came out totally �Dayum, how you get such a foiiiine woman?� though that probably wasn�t her intent.

We ate at the Twilight Cafe and Iguana Mia and Sonny�s Bar-B-Q and The Mucky Duck and Blue Pointe. We got massages. We took bubble baths.

It was all quite swell until the septic system crapped out on us (pun completely intended) Friday night. But even that wasn�t so bad, as it was taken care of by 2 p.m. Saturday, enabling us to get in some pool time and then head off to a delicious farewell dinner.

It was still okay Sunday, even when I suspected the waitress forgot about our breakfast. The pancakes were still yummy, the bacon still crisp.

And even when our flight took off over half-an-hour late due to monsoons, and landed over half-an-hour late despite the pilot�s attempt to make up time, and we sat on the tarmac for nearly an hour before we could deplane (closed access ramps, also due to monsoons), it was still okay.

My vacation was that good. Now I just have to try and hold on to that feeling through all the tsuris to come.

AND I managed to get the shot I missed last October!


Edited to add: To keep up with what amounts to a running theme �round these parts, I hereby proclaim July 9...


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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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