but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

entry interrupted
Monday, May. 19, 2003

Now Playing -
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Okay, so we'll call it The Monday Five...

1. What drinking water do you prefer -- tap, bottle, purifier, etc.? We do bottled water at home, but I'm not above a good Eau de Tap. I favor Glaceau's Smart Water, because it has electrolytes. I consider that an added benefit since my water consumption is woefully inadequate.
2. What are your favorite flavor of chips? Hmm...I like good blue corn chips. Fresh ones. I've had those gourmet chips that have flavors like jalapeno cheddar and applewood smoked barbeque, but I can't remember the brand. I did like 'em.
3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most? From The Wellness Lowfat Cookbook, a roasted red pepper pasta sauce. It's fairly complex - involves roasting, pureeing and peeling peppers (I always wind up with red fingers), then chopping and/or slicing shallots, garlic, leeks, yellow peppers, tomatoes and green beans then sauteeing all in various combinations in white wine and chicken stock, and adding the puree at the end along with spices, fresh rosemary and the obligatory goat cheese. It's delicious, but all the prep work makes the all-to-brief payoff (there's rarely any left over) bittersweet.
4. How do you have your eggs? Scrambled, from a recipe in the Nantucket Open-House Cookbook by Sarah Leah Chase. She says it comes from Harry's Bar in Venice, Italy (home of carpaccio and the bellini). It involves pressing goat cheese through a sieve, and adding chopped chives. Anything involving goat cheese is heaven to me.
5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out? It was probably Bill & HB's Easter Dinner...Beef Stroganoff, asparagus, biscuits & potatoes. It was yummy, as usual.

Things That Hurt

  1. My sore ribs
  2. My bruised right forearm
  3. My bruised left upper arm
  4. My bruised knees
  5. My bruised right palm
  6. My still-healing jammed finger
  7. The small of my back where I fell on my mic pack
  8. And, last but not least, the back of my head where I whacked it on the stage floor last night.

It really shouldn't have happened, but I knew it was coming. I wear this dress - it's my favorite in the show, but the most impractical for a fight scene. It has wrist-length sleeves that are basically three strips of fabric attached by an elastic at the wrist.

(You might have an inkling as to where this is going, but I'm gonna finish this when I get home.)

Back. So the sleeves were a bit...unwieldy. I'd get caught in them, Petruchio would get caught in them, inanimate objects would get caught in them.... But the topper was last night, when Petruchio kicked me away from him and I rolled backwards into a somersault. My hand got stuck in the sleeve, I couldn't brace myself and wham! went my head right into the stage. If I hadn't had my hair in a bun and my fall on over it, I would have seen stars. Thankfully, enough real and fake hair cushioned the blow, and I was just stunned and shaken. And rattled enough that the rest of the show did not go very well. I'm upset about that because my family was there, and I wasn't exactly pleasant company to be around afterward.

Suffice to say, I practically accosted P.E. after the show (for which I apologized when we spoke today, and which he had no problem with) and told him something needed to be done with the dress. And it will be. I'm sorry, but my safety comes first. The bumps and bruises I consider occupational hazards, and unavoidable, but a concussion? Thank you, no.

*sigh* Our music director is unwell again, and will be out for the Wednesday matinees. And possibly the weekend. P.E. got a sub, but he's someone I'm not exactly fond of, professionally or personally. There are enough people in the pit who know the show better than he does. And are better musicians than he'll ever be. He'd better listen and do what he's told to do, and not make waves. This too shall pass, sooner rather than later, if I and others have our druthers.

And in other pissy professional news, Huz got a message on the machine from a fellow drummer, saying that he auditioned and will be playing for The Boy Friend at Bay Street Theatre. Directed by Julie Frickin' Andrews. Potentially heading to NYC. So he generously offered Huz his annual gig at Hofstra. Shite. As H.B. said when I told her, not only does Huz "play circles around (aforementioned drummer), he plays squares, spheres and ovals. In 3-D." I knew I should have told Huz to go down fo that. Yes, I like my grapes sour, and vicarious. How else does one get whine?

Wow. My first night without rehearsal in ages. I feel like I have homework in my bookbag I forgot to do.

Happy Monday.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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