but can she bake a cherry pie?

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hair apparent
Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2003

Now Playing - smoove jazz. Ugh.
Now Eating -
Now Feeling - pooped.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

The first Spam of the Day contained the header "Transform your rod into a monster." Somehow I don't think that's what Moses and Aaron were intending when they did that "walking stick into a serpent" trick.

The Huz is at this moment playing softball with some of his musician friends. I told him I'd keep the cell phone on so they can call me on the way to the hospital.

My wig arrived yesterday. Huz was nice enough to drive it up to work for me, so I could have it for last night's rehearsal. It's okay...the color is a good match to the girl playing my daughter. It could use some feathering of the bangs, to give them a little life. I'll ask a guy in the show who does hair if he can do a little work on it, rather than massacre it myself.

Know what I don't get, though? Someone involved with the show looked at me in it for the first time, and pretty much snickered and pointed. Why? Someone else did that to me once, after a performance of Annie. I wore a blonde marcelled wig, perfect for the role and the time period, and he came up to me afterward and told me how much he disliked it. Yeah, I understand it's a different look than I sport in real life, but giggling and pointing and making rude comments like a pre-schooler? I don't get it.

But that could be the hormones talking. Mine, I mean. Arrgh. I have to high-tail it out of here and get to the drug store to buy stuff for the show (hair pins, cheap stockings to cut up and use as a wig cap, makeup that will go with Irish red hair) and get to the theater early enough to work on a number that is not going well. And of the three people in it, I am the least problematic. So we'll do that, and then shvitz for three hours in costumes and wigs. Whee.

Gotta run....

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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