but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

can't please everyone, got to please yourself
Thursday, Mar. 20, 2008

Now Playing - Twilight Zone.
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - peaceful
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I need a haircut. I can't get a haircut until after the conference at which I'm performing, because I want to make sure I can pull my hair back with as little fuss as possible. It's a good thing Belle is such a minimalist show, makeup-and-hair-wise, because if I had to worry about getting into my full drag AND false eyelashes AND curling my hair after getting up at the crack of ASS in the morning to drive seven hours across the biggest state in the union (Alaska, Texas and California may all bite me; I've made that drive four times and I stand by my word), someone might not live to tell the tale. And since I will be driving across said Biggest State with Huz...you do the math. And I won't be doing the time.

So anyway. Big, boofy hair. And I am out of my current product of choice, so I'm resorting to my former product of choice (I love ya Super Skinny, but you're gooey and you take longer to dry than the Superficial) with a side of the unfortunately phallically packaged After Party. And it takes looonger to wash and looonger to dry and...my, it's so difficult living my life.

I went to a garden St. Patrick's Day party over the weekend, and two of the people there were someone I'd gone to high school with (and to his junior prom!) and someone who was one of my campers at Stagedoor Manor when she was about 17 and I was not that much older. This after another friend prompted me to "friend" her on my mostly dormant Facebook account, setting up a mess o'Six Degrees of Modhousewifery.

What's so scary about drinking the Facebook Kool-Aid (and the ease of dealing with people's real names and not cryptic MySpace usernames) is that you realize your small world just got that much smaller. How does another of my campers from Stagedoor know someone I went to college with who knows someone I did dinner theatre with six million years ago who knows my friend's college-age daughter? Too freaky.

I love the mall stores that look like South Seas plantation houses, all dark shutters and no SIGNS whatsoever, so you can't tell what the hell they're selling until you go inside. "Oh, lingerie! How...interesting! And why exactly do you need a South Seas plantation to sell this stuff?"

Okay, here's the only kitty mention in this post, I promise. Huz has confessed to occasionally putting kitty snacks on top of Ernest's food to make him think he's getting a whole new meal. I have no problem with this whatsoever.

See? This is why I should never have children. Can you imagine my hypothetical child telling his classmates, "Yeah, sometimes we have ice cream for dinner. And sometimes she gives me these things she calls hore-durrves for breakfast."

People would think he lives with Auntie Mame.

'Course I'd probably be the most popular mom in class....

Maggie Mason posted the first installment of 100 Things Worth Doing - a list of the moments she'd like to see flash before her eyes, and invited readers to post the same. Here are a few I can think of off the top of my head:

~Watching the Macy's July 4th fireworks on the FDR Drive with my best friend.
~Sleeping on the beach on another July 4th.
~Walking on the beach on Valentine's Day, 1994, with my future husband. The air was pearlescent with fog and it was warm enough to unzip my coat.
~Hearing "Ashokan Farewell" performed by its composer on a hillside under the stars.
~Performing for an audience of about a thousand people on another hillside under the stars.
~The first time my husband told me I was beautiful, and the first time he told me he loved me.
~Seeing his face as I walked down the aisle.
~Celebrating my birthday with two dear friends, and wishing as I blew out my candle: Let the rest of this year be as wonderful as this moment, surrounded by friends and knowing I am loved.

I could not ask for more than that.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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