but can she bake a cherry pie?

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if i were a leek, i'd be frizzled
Thursday, Jan. 16, 2003

Now Playing - something I'm ignoring on HGTV.
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

My jaw is wired so tight I could crack walnuts right now. This is my last free week and weekend before rehearsals begin, and of course my dance card is full. Crunch time hasn't even reared its ugly head, and yet I'm already on edge.

I went to write checks to pay our estimated income taxes today, and realized I had no checks. Got home, wrote checks, broke a spice jar while ransacking cabinets only to discover I had no tomato puree with which to make the sauce I'd promised The Huz, cursed, spat, left a message asking him to get some on his cell, prayed he'd check his messages, drove to the bank, deposited a check and mailed the ones I'd written, got home, swept up the glass, had a devil of a time opening a can of milk, spilled milk in the microwave, cursed, spat, spoke to The Huz as he pulled into the supermarket, slightly charred some garlic, made sauce, tried not to snark at Huz, didn't food poison him with the ravioli, watched a depressing West Wing and a frustrating Law & Order (the blonde still sucks), began demolishing the tree (and have the scratches to prove it), and...well, here I am.

I need to get the car inspected. I still have packages to return and dry cleaning to bring in. I still have doctor's appointments that need to be made. I have a surprise 50th birthday Saturday night, and a vocal workshop on Sunday.

I have to read Belle of Amherst. I have to watch the tape of Julie Harris in Belle of Amherst. I have to read Garcia Girls. I should give the vocal score for the revue another once-over, and peruse Huz's Sinatra tapes for songs I don't know. The only slight consolation (and it is slight) is that the Sinatra revue is all music (left brain), Belle of Amherst is all words (right brain), and Garcia Girls is no memorization at all! Still, I'm being my badass procrastinating self, and putting off 'til tomorrow what should have been started weeks ago. Gotta move.

Gotta sleep.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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