but can she bake a cherry pie?

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flight or fight
Wednesday, Jul. 26, 2006

Now Playing - Neil Young, whining. As if *I* weren't enough....
Now Eating - nothing.
Now Feeling - tense.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

The Partner in Crime had her surgery, which turned out to be two valve replacements instead of one and the expected double bypass. I�ve been in a constant state of adrenaline rush since Monday, not helped by awakening at 8 this morning, since Huz had not reset the alarm. After doing a little Passive-Aggressive Polka the night before (which is no cousin to the Horizontal Mambo, let me tell you), I�m not surprised.

But I�m breathing, and letting that go, and did not leave the house this morning without kissing him goodbye as he slept.

I�m thinking a constant IV drip of Rescue Remedy may be the only solution to the next six to eight weeks of hell.

Y�know what really gets to me (and yes, prepare for another Goblet of Whine)? One night a few months ago, I was having trouble sleeping and told myself, think of something that makes you happy. And I thought of�doing theatre in summer. Not having to deal with freezing dressing rooms and driving to rehearsal in a blizzard. Finishing a show and walking out into the night air, and still having the evening ahead of you. Summer dresses, and cars whizzing by on the street, and just feeling like you hadn�t a care in the world.

There were possibilities, and I can�t take advantage of any of them. The one thing that would keep me sane right now is the one thing I won�t get to do. Because to throw rehearsals on top of my anticipated workload would just run me ragged, and lead undoubtedly to illness. And with no-one else here, how can I take sick days? There�s just too much to do.

I emailed The Big Dean last night, and today there�ve been vague murmurings about getting someone to help me. The Boss had previously made some noises about extra money, but I�m not holding my breath, knowing as I do The Little Law School�s reluctance to part with the gelt.

I�m making a concerted effort not to go crazy. The last time this happened, I lost five pounds. Not unwelcome mind you, but there are healthier ways of going about it than doing without lunch for a month.

Hyperventilating must burn some calories, right?

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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