but can she bake a cherry pie?

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old fart warnings
Monday, Feb. 16, 2004

Now Playing - "Gravel" - Ani.
Now Eating - contemplating dinner.
Now Feeling - like a certain green Grouch we all know and love.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Jeezy Pete, do my bangs just grow overnight, or what? I�m about ready to pull them out strand by strand; they�re bugging me so much.

And how is your Presidents� Day so far?

I have just one thing to say about this:

Yeah, he�s straight. Barbie, hon, the gaydar? Needs work.

A., please go back to your office. I really don�t need to hear about the evolution of your cable service. �And HBO used to be on channel 6, but then they took that away and moved it to a higher-up channel�.� Ooh, she�s moved on to Netflix. Whoop-de-doo! I�m looking for sharp objects to throw. And she�s whacking an empty soda bottle irrhythmically against her thigh.

On the one lighter note in this entry, Valentine�s Day was lovely. We went to the restaurant where we got married, and had a lovely dinner. I had the �Pan Roasted Magret Duck Breast with pancetta roasted red potatoes, haricot verts, fresh raspberry balsamic vinegar sauce and poached pears.� Delicious. I�m not a duck person, but it spoke to me. Quacked, if you will. Huz had a filet with asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes, which he said was perfect. And passionfruit and green apple sorbets. Yes, a light refreshing dessert to disguise the fact that we just stuffed ourselves.

I did manage to get to the gym Sunday, though. And it was �staffed� by a boy who thought it much more important to watch NASCAR and listen to Death Metal than to actually �man� the desk. Phones went unanswered, several people milled about, looking for someone to, oh, assist them�. I�m thinking of dropping a note to the management. And asking if they have specific �Death Metal Days� so I�ll know when not to come. �Cause, really�the Death Metal might have an occasional good beat, but it�s not really easy to dance to. Much less �tread.�

Does this mean I�m becoming a grouchy old fart? Or is this just the PMS talking? I was in the vestibule of my bank a few weeks ago � it was after hours on a Friday, so it was closed off from the main part of the bank by a collapsible wall. There were still CSRs in their offices, finishing up work. I was on line waiting for an ATM, and could clearly hear one CSR shouting out to his cohort something along the lines of, �So I told them, �Just send me the fucking check!�� Repeatedly. When I�d finished my banking, I walked over and rapped on the glass partition to get his attention.

�Can you hear me?�
�Well, I can hear you, too. And �Just send me the fucking check� is not something your customers need to be hearing.�

He was flabbergasted. I concluded by telling him how unprofessional it was, and walked out. What would you have done? Was I out of line? Or is this what our world�s come to, the complete disregard for anything smacking of manners and class? I�m pretty tired of people who curse like sailors without recognizing their audience might include really young kids who don�t need to learn certain words before they turn four. Look, I curse like a sailor, too. But I try to know my audience.

And the wench on the checkout line at the mall who just has to grumble and sigh audibly while the REST of us somehow manage to wait patiently? The whole fucking (See? Go me, cursing like a sailor.) world does not revolve around you, and we�re not all going to suddenly see the light and fall to our knees recognizing you as the Queen of the Universe and let you go to the head of the line. Life don�t work that way, sweets.

The previous has been your Bitter Public Service Announcement for the day. Enjoy.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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