but can she bake a cherry pie?

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Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2003

Now Playing - NPR news.
Now Eating - Cream of Mushroom soup.
Now Feeling - ready for les vacances de no�l. Or any vacances!
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Office Party Etiquette for the Female Partygoer

~ Enormous gilded tulle-and-wire bow stuck on back of head of woman = lampshade on head of man. Not a good impression.
~ Kickline during �We Wish You a Merry Christmas�? Not an accepted holiday tradition.
~ The Eighties were an interesting and memorable decade for so many reasons. Unfortunately, good fashion was not among them. Leave the red lycra and shoulder pads at home. And I don�t show that much skin in the summertime, much less when it�s 33 degrees out.
~ For the fifth time, we do not sing �Dominic the Donkey� or �Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.� As our bass put it, �Would you sing them in church?� Same goes for Adam Sandler�s �Hanukkah Song�/synagogue.
~ Shrieking �The Twelve Days of Christmas� gives the boss a headache. The diners in the next room don�t exactly appreciate it, either.
~ If the boss generously provides a taxi home, do take him/her up on it. Considering your condition and the fact that it�s not even 8:30 p.m. yet, I don�t want to be sharing the road with you.

I wish I could make it an across-the-board thing, lest I be accused of �bashing my own�, but really. The women we saw this weekend while caroling were just embarrassing. The men were overall pretty inoffensive. When people do that, while you�re obviously trying to work, it just strikes me as the rudest thing.

Anyway, caroling's over, finals are over (capped off last night by having to spend an hour in the presence of a professor who smelled like he'd had hamburger buns under his armpits for a week), my boss leaves for Florida in a couple of days, I have four days off followed by five days next week, all the gift shopping is done, life is good.

So it's off to Trader Joe�s after work, for hors d'oeuvres and crabmeat and cheese. Then to The Gap to exchange a pair of undies so I can get the 4 for $20 dealie. (I hate when I buy three of the right undies and one wrong pair!) Then home, to ponder laundry and watch West Wing reruns.

Huz finished his shopping yesterday (other than miscellaneous liquor purchases) and came home with two surefire hits for the twins of the Best Man and Wife. Limbo Elmo and Chicken Dance Elmo. The kids'll love 'em, the parents may wish death upon us. Can't wait! Huz also brought home a holiday assortment of Godiva chocolates, including a Candy Cane truffle. Oh, yum. Not too sweet, and reminded me of the peppermint ice cream I had on our honeymoon.

We're going back to Ft. Myers Beach in early February, and staying at the same place where we honeymooned, and you can bet first thing I'll do will be to get me some of that ice cream. The plane and hotel arrangements have been made. It'll be our first vacation in three-and-a-half years. Already I can't wait. To sleep and wake to the sound of the waves. But first, we still have to make it through the winter. Happy Holidays, y'all.

*The title of this entry is a line from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. The stage show, if not the movie version, which actually came first. Millie's trying to teach the brothers how to behave around girls, and mentions that they need to learn etiquette. That's one brother's response. And your Obscure Theatre Trivia for the Day. Enjoy.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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