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dull roar
Monday, Feb. 04, 2008

Now Playing - nothing.
Now Eating - I'm craving a cup of Earl Grey, but it's too late at night.
Now Feeling - muzzy-headed.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

After work on Friday, I braved the monsoon to take care of errands: depositing my boss's check, picking up lunch (good things: The Ode to Gringo Loco wrap and a "monster cupcake" with frosting the color of a Muppet) for me and The Huz, buying milk and butter, and paying for window shades.

And let me just say, cellular shades with a two-day turnaround? Fabulous. Installation in less than an hour? Even better. Hardware that's so idiot-proof I could have installed it myself (and just might, should I choose to put a shade on the vestibule window) (though I was glad to pay someone else because he was very nice [and also kind of cute])? Woo. Hoo.

Spending TWO HOURS Saturday night picking the adhesive from the gotdamn temporary blinds off my bedroom window frames? In a word: OW.

But now we have some type of covering on all our windows (with the exception of the aforementioned vestibule, but I don't prance around naked in there...much) and I am Over. The. Moon. Seriously. The installer even commented, "It takes very little to make you happy, doesn't it?" (Very little, yes, or a whole hell of a lot.)

And our dining room set was delivered Sunday morning. What kind of company gives you a 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. delivery window and then delivers your furniture at 11:15? The best kind. I was able to jump in the shower and make it to his closing show, after which we went out for drinks with his Work Wife and then, in a fit of what passes for madness these days, WW and I drove into Manhattan. On Superbowl Sunday. There was a New York team playing in the game, did you know that? We watched the majority of the game (peripherally, anyway) from The Duplex (hadn't been there since David (and Rick) and I went there after seeing a friend in The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me). Fans were still going nuts as we drove through midtown an hour after the game ended.

Nota bene: There is no such thing as wearing "a little" Shalimar. Phew.

Hm. I wonder if that had anything to do with the ocular migraine that hit me this afternoon and drove me to leave at 2:30. I wasn't much use to anyone with a third of my vision blurred. Four hours of sleep did wonders, but I'm still congested and it's time to quiet the dull roar in my head. G'night.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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