but can she bake a cherry pie?

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imagine something of your very own
Friday, Jun. 18, 2004

Now Playing - Ray Charles' memorial service.
Now Eating - roast beast on rye with mayo.
Now Feeling - pleased that another work week is at an end.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I dreamed last night that I had a baby. I dreamed this morning that I cut my hair.

That noise you hear would be Freud pounding on his casket, shouting �Lemme at �er! Lemme at �er!�

Why Freud sounds posthumously like one of the Dead End Kids is one of those Great Mysteries of the Afterlife, kids.

So anyway, the dreams. I was up late at night with the baby. There was another child asleep in the room, who I think was mine as well. Could be projection, given the preponderance of twins among our friends (Hi, Ashu!), but could be �fact� seeing as Huz has twins in his family. It was a girl baby, with this round, Cabbage Patch kid-type head. I was wondering, how on earth did Huz and I produce this child, since we both have these long, not very round faces? So moonlight is pouring in through the windows, and we�re rocking, and walking, and feeding, and the baby is smiling at me. And I got the feeling that she wasn�t cranky or colicky or having a bad dream. She just wanted to be awake and around me. That�s how I knew she was mine: �This kid�s a night owl. She doesn�t want to miss anything.� I was on the phone with my friend R., and we were still walking and feeding. And she�s cheesing all over. Walk for a bit, wipe the baby. And then I notice there�s cheese coming out from a hole in her Swee�pea (you know, a onesie where the legs aren�t separated? Like Popeye�s Swee�pea wears?). And I�m thinking, where is THAT coming from? Thankfully, the dream ended before I got to find out.

Then I was at my parents� house, but in my bathroom. Chopping away at my hair, just because. And wondering what my parents were going to think of it when they saw me. It was a ruffly sort of layered cut, and I must say I looked kind of cute. Even got to play with some mousse, a product I haven�t used in about 15 years. After showing my parents (Mom actually liked the cut), I hit the shower to wash it and then play around with it some more.

The only reason for any of it that I can fathom is a phone call from Mom yesterday. She told me a few days ago she may need spinal surgery (stenosis). I was talking about it with The Partner in Crime, expressing my reservations (her weight and general poor health, the fact that post-surgery she may gain even more weight from inactivity and depression, my father�s ability to care for her, etc.) when of course she did that Mom mind reading thing and called. Just to tell me how horrible the rain was, and to be careful going home. She segued into how much she loves me, and how adorable and happy I was as a baby, and how much Dad loved me as a baby and still does (she told me he used to leave her in the apartment to clean and take me out in my stroller to play in the park). And did I remember anything from my babyhood? I�m not certain how far back my earliest memories go, and how much is �remembering� what I�ve been told. She said that her doctor told Dad to get in shape because he�ll be needing to take care of her. And that she needs to finish a Living Will, because if anything happens she does not want to be kept alive. Nothing like having an equally morbid psychic mother, let me tell you.

Huz played their dance recital last weekend. I was able to attend for the first time in several years, and had a lot of fun. I took class there for a while as a teen, and it always amazes me to see how much of their curriculum has stuck with me. Even though the theme this year was �Broadway Rocks,� I did enjoy it. And it�s always interesting to see which dancers will catch my eye. The little kids always kill me, grapevining so fast across the stage that they nearly run over each other. There was one slightly older girl who looked to be in about fourth grade. She was not the best dancer in her group, but she knew what the hell she was doing and did it with such conviction and enthusiasm that I couldn�t stop watching her. I had hoped to see her after to tell her what a good job she did. A couple of girls in a jazz number set to Br1tney Spears irritatingly catchy �T0xic� had really nice style. A couple of balletrinas showed good jazz technique as well. There was this tap/percussion number that the older kids did using water cooler bottles that was a lot of fun. We went out with some of the staff after, and the evening was dominated by one very funny, bitchy theatre queen who reminded me of a combination of Mario Cantone and my friend Bobby, who for a while was a professional Broadway child wrangler. A good time was had by all.

I managed to avoid the gym for 12 days. Went back on Thursday, and it wasn�t as painful as I�d expected. Managed my 3+ miles, nobody died, and I�m not that achy. I�m going tonight after my voice lesson.

Not much else interesting in store for the weekend. Tomorrow Huz doesn�t have to work, so we�ll be running a ton of errands: insurance (paying for one car, and finally arranging for renter�s), post office (returning purchases and mailing stuff to the SIL), selling some old jewelry and cameras, hopefully arranging to have Huz�s childhood movies transferred to DVD, buying Dad a Father�s Day gift, maybe rearranging the storage room...ah, the fun never ends.

Have a good one, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY R.!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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