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what do you want from me, blood?
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2005

Now Playing - Dave Edmunds - "From Small Things, Mama...."
Now Eating - dtinking, water.
Now Feeling - eh.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Oh, I can�t even go here today.

On second thought, yes. YES I CAN.

Don�t you see how wrong this is, people? They have put words in Mr. Met�s mouth! (Okay, let�s try that again. Mascots don�t talk.) They have put gestures in his hands! His, puffy, four-fingered mascot hands! This obviously did not come from Mr. Met. He is not corporate � he is a mascot of the people.

I will not stand for libelous treatment of my mascot. I�m considering a letter to the editor.

You can�t see it from my scan, but there are dollar signs in his eyeballs.


To paraphrase Mary Jo Buttafuoco, �Not MY mascot!�

So the vampires called me at work yesterday (I guess they got tired of getting no response at home), and I agreed to drop by Friday after work and give �em a pint. I then booked a caroling gig for that night. It could get a bit dicey strolling and singing for two hours after losing precious bodily fluids, but them�s the breaks.

Someone called again this morning asking if I would donate platelets. I told her I didn�t feel up to attempting a platelet donation just yet. She expressed their need quite firmly, and I told her that I had to work that evening. She said I could schedule an appointment for as early as 7:30 a.m. I said I couldn�t do that because of work. At this point, I�m sure she though I was bullshitting her � �She just said she had to work in the evening, now she has to work in the morning! How many hours does this girl work?� Well, yesterday it happened to be fourteen, but that�s neither here nor there.

Now platelet donation is not what I consider a walk in the park. It involves a needle in each arm (blood is removed, the platelets are filtered out, and the blood product is pumped back in) and up to two hours of your time. As I�ve mentioned, I used to have needle issues, and giving blood is a big thing for me. I do it because I can. I must admit I�ve gotten out of the groove of regular donations this year. I attempted to donate some months ago and was turned away two weeks in a row due to low iron, and then all the stuff with my parents started and...well let�s face it; it�s been a busy year.

So I�m giving blood Friday at 3:30 and then going to work a few hours later. I didn�t cancel my donation, though I�m sure I�ll look lovely in a Victorianesque dress with a bright green compression bandage on my arm. And this woman is a) calling me at work to b) hock me about something I�ve told her I�m not prepared to attempt just yet and c) succeeding in making me feel guilty about the good thing I still intend to do. I don�t need to be explaining myself to her within earshot of co-workers and students. I don�t need to justify my busy schedule. And I don�t need to be goaded into something for which I am not prepared.

Doing something good shouldn�t piss you off.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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