but can she bake a cherry pie?

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who invented the term "managed care?"
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2002

Now Playing - "So. Central Rain" - REM
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Oh, Pay Day, thou hast arrived and thou art most assuredly A Good Thing! (The actual event, not the candy bar.)

Of course, thou hast arrived in the midst of a crappy, rainy, dreary day, making any outside ventures (bank, lunch, etc.) an exercise in "How many different ways can we get wet?" The braving of the elements will have to happen soon though, because it's 3:15 and I have not yet begun to lunch.

So The Huz has been trying to get through to his mother's orthopedic surgeon, to see if it is safe for her to fly down to Fla. next month. All he needed was a yes or no answer. He called three times. Spoke to some wench who got very defensive two of the times. And another, slightly more understanding woman the third. So a few days ago, my sister-in-law calls. Gets the Angry Young Woman on the phone. Who got even more defensive and hung up on her. We don't need to go into the impropriety and unprofessionalism of that, do we? Sis calls back. Is put on hold and possibly disconnected a second time. Calls back and is finally told what's what by the doctor himself. Apparently he had left the info in my MIL's chart, but no-one could motivate themselves to check that. Sis told him a thing or two about his staff. And they discussed my mother-in-law's mental state, and how that would affect her traveling by herself. Arrangements can hopefully be made. Then yesterday the office calls sis-in-law. She was out, so they spoke to my brother-in-law. And didn't apologize so much as justify. My sister-in-law was "very defensive" on the phone. And how Huz had actually only called two times, not three. Yeah, two when he spoke to the Bitch on Wheels, but three in toto. And how the Bitch on Wheels is going through a very tough time with her own mother...excuse me? Professionalism? Leave it at home? Show a little more understanding given the similarity to your own situation? Eventually Barbara did speak to them, and drag an apology out of them, kicking and screaming all the way, I'm sure. But it doesn't end there. They had called my mother-in-law after speaking to my BIL. And threw the same shpil at her. Huz only called twice. Barbara was rude. And that she shouldn't have her children calling the office for her in the first place. She's an adult, and should take care of it herself! And the capper was this - and yes, she does have some sort of dementia, but she said this to both Huz and Barbara, so we don't think she was just making it up - whoever it was said something to the effect that there was something wrong with her brain. YOU ARE A FUCKING RECEPTIONIST IN THE OFFICE OF AN ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON AND YOU REPEAT TO MY MOTHER-IN-LAW WHAT HE AND BARBARA DISCUSSED IN CONFIDENCE ABOUT HER MENTAL CAPACITIES????????? My pulse is racing just writing about it. Barbara fully intends to call the doctor again and give him a piece of her mind. Huz was almost ready to go down to the office and wring necks when he heard.

One more rung on the ladder to the height of stupidity.

Don't get old.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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