but can she bake a cherry pie?

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feeling disjointed
Monday, Jan. 13, 2003

Now Playing - in my head, "My Family" - Dar....
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Two days after the Dinner with Friends, and the abode is still remarkably shipshape. It's amazing the floor space you find when there isn't a ton of crap around. Of course, some of the crap had been relocated into both our cars, but really, it was bound for there anyway! Dry cleaning and catalog returns and recycleables, oh my!

Dinner was, once again, very nice and civilised. It's fun being an adult. All the food turned out well, all the dishes have been washed (save the one that held the White Trash Casserole - drop me a line if you want the recipe - it's veggy & yummy & involves VELVEETA!), all the messiness cleaned up.

(I really do like this apartment.)

First day of classes was today. I feel slightly ragged. The Boss was back from vacation on Friday, and it was nice in a way. Things got done. I mean, how many games of Battleship can a girl play?

But today? Back in the trenches. I felt bad, because he was jam-packed with appointments, and I was scheduling some at only 15-minute intervals. But I figured this early on nothing's going to take that long to resolve, and if it were me, I'd rather cram a bunch of people in and be able to get myself a decent dinner. Because The Boss most assuredly stayed until classes were done this evening. And one needs fortification when dealing with disgruntled law students.

I did manage to sneak in some research, looking up info on Alzheimer's for The Huz. And what I found was, naturally, grim. My MIL is showing some hallmarks of the moderate stage of the disease - aphasia, difficulty in making decisions for herself, judgement errors regarding money management.... I also found some guidelines for caregivers. Interesting stuff about how to keep their environment comfortable (not too much excess stimuli, familiar objects, warm colors) and even communication skills. The communication info reminded me of two things, oddly enough, parenting books and improv classes. Strange combo, but there y'are. There was "parenting" advice like not giving the patient a choice they could say no to ("It's time for your bath," as opposed to "Do you want to take a bath now?") and "improv" advice like not negating what the patient says ("I'm waiting for my husband." "But your husband died ten years ago.")

Uch. More at another time. I'm too tired to think.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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