but can she bake a cherry pie?

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crazy from the heat
Sunday, Jul. 08, 2007

Now Playing - "Slap & Tickle" - Squeeze.
Now Eating - agua.
Now Feeling - cold.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

It is hot.

Though it is 87 degrees and my lower back is aching dully, I am contemplating going to the gym.


No? Okay, I'm going. Back later with a real update.

What? Tomorrow is later! I did 6.31 miles on the elliptical, and didn't die, which is always reassuring. Granted, I'm not going to lose 15 pounds by the time my show opens on Friday, but it's better than nothing.

Ah, the show. I am not happy with what I'm doing. This is not to say I'm unhappy with what I have been given to do, mind you, just my execution of it. Part of the problem lies in the way rehearsals have been structured. I learn best by repetition. Spending two weeks learning music (just learning, not learning and then reviewing) and then one week putting stuff on its feet does nothing to cement the show in my head. And when I've missed rehearsals (my fault, yes) and the stage manager does not have the staging written down, and I have to learn things on the fly from my fellow backup singers...it doesn't make for a secure feeling. Feeling like I have to prove myself to the music director doesn't help. Feeling old and fat standing next to two other girls who are younger and thinner than me doesn't help. It will be fun once the show is up, but the getting there? Oy.

That said, my Petula Clark should turn out right nice, and my Connie Francis-on-Quaaludes (The Fabulous: "And then we have THIS ONE up there doing Glinda the Good Witch!") will be damn funny.

In condo news, we do not yet have a closing date. It is driving me CRAZY. There's potential for drama in that our apartment lease ends two days before the date on our contract, and three days before the end of the actual month. (Since when does July only have 28 days? Ask Un-Fairfield.) But our lawyer says that date could be two weeks off. I am not thinking about the legal implications of being squatters in our own apartment, but I'm hoping a judge would be sympathetic, especially since we have to guarantee next month's rent anyway. The Boss took us out for lunch Friday (since Teeny Dean was �working from home�) and on the way back we drove by the condo. And then I SNUCK INTO THE CONDO.


Tile, done. Carpet, done. Cabinets, mostly done. Lighting, done. No appliances yet. No countertops yet. Light, and bright and spacious and new and I CANNOT WAIT.



Our very own vestibule!



...sod! At our very own doorstep!


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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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