but can she bake a cherry pie?

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little orphan annie sullivan
Friday, Nov. 16, 2007

Now Playing - nothing.
Now Eating - drinking, Dr Pepper.
Now Feeling - toasty.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I am an idiot. But so is my ophthalmologist. I was squeezed in at noon today. I brought glasses and what I thought was the bad left lens. He looked at the right lens, saw protein deposits and an S-shaped tear in the lens, and said "Obviously Acuvues are not the lenses for you." He popped open the right side of the lens case intending for me to put my current left lens in (he wanted me to wear my glasses home), and saw a contact already in there. I was confused, as I'm usually good about putting the contacts in their respective homes, but figured I'd flaked out and mixed them up. He gave me a new case and threw the other one away. But when I got home tonight, I opened the case I had at home and found one left lens. One bad left lens. I'd brought the wrong case to the office, and the doctor threw out the only right lens I had.

So tomorrow, for our second foray into the Fitzgeralds, I will not be looking at Steve through wildly dilated eyes, but through legally blind ones. Or, so I don't run the risk of falling off the damn stage, I'm thinking of putting the good left lens in the right eye, and using one of Huz�s spare lenses in my left. I'll only be operating at about 60%, but it's better than nothing.

And my doctor is an idiot because he refuses to believe that the prescription in my right eye is incorrect. Time to find a new doctor. As soon as he sends me a new right lens.

In other medical news (NOT relating to me, and aren't you GLAD?), a co-worker has been out for two weeks now. The diagnosis? MRSA. The what-is-that-metallic-taste-in-my-mouth-oh-it-must-be-irony of it all is that she is seriously germophobic. So much so that I often wonder how she managed to raise two children to adulthood, let alone live with a big, slobbery Great Dane. Now I'm all for cleanliness. I'm messy, yes, but I'm not dirty. And in a lot of ways I'm more OCD than my neatnik husband. But I do believe a little bit of dirt won't kill you. I believe in a conditional five-second rule depending on surface and circumstance, and I will admit to occasionally eating food that might be a tad past its prime. I used to take antibiotics immediately if I got a head cold because, given my track record, I knew a cold would make itself at home in my sinuses and turn into an infection. But I've cut way down on taking them as a first line of defense, because I don't want them to just stop working one day. I wish Co-Worker no ill (even though she once asked me if I was pregnant, something you should never ask a woman unless you see a head emerging from her cervix), but I can't help finding just a little humor in her joining the Plague of The Month Club. No amount of phone receiver disinfecting, hand washing or doorknob sanitizing kept the drug-resistant super bug away.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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