but can she bake a cherry pie?

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grammar auxiliary police
Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007

Now Playing -
Now Eating -
Now Feeling - drowsy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I'm mad as hell, and...well, you know the rest.

(I hear you over there, you muttering "What's she mad at now?" Just know, I hear you. And I have a really, REALLY long memory. Ask him.)

Though I have no delusions of Grammar Police-dom (I like a good run-on sentence as much as the next guy, love ellipses way too much and think the "Don't end a sentence in a preposition" rule is as stupid as "No white shoes after Labor Day."), sometimes I feel compelled to make what you might call a Grammar Citizen's Arrest.

One particular black beast I've been seeing all over the internet and in print?


A flare is something you shoot in the air when you're lost at sea. Or it's what your bootcut jeans do. Or your nostrils. "FLAIR" is style. �lan. That certain je ne sais quoi.

I was going to rant on broach and brooch (You broach a subject, you stick a brooch in your lapel, preferably with FLAIR!) until a Google or three informed me that they share an etymological root, and the "oa" spelling is given as an alternative to "oo." Damn, I hate being (even partly) wrong.

(And don't get me started on the time I saw "mischievious" in a nationally syndicated advice column. Dear Abby, I'm lookin' at you.)

(Or I would be if you were still alive.)

So the lovely, the talented Yvonne surprised me this morning with an award! A BeTheBlog Award!

Be The Blog award

As its progenitor Mark says, "...I think that really sums up what a successful blogger does. And what I mean by successful is that they make it their own, stay with it, are interactive with their readers, and just plain have fun."

Well, I've "stayed with it" for 5� years and 508 entries, so at least I've nailed that much. The other stuff? If someone as lovely and talented as Yvonne (and I mean that sincerely, not in a "Ben Vereen in All That Jazz" kind of way) thinks that of me? I am well and duly honored. Thank you, Yvonne.

And I will be paying that award forward tomorrow, as I'll have a long Mental Health Day in which to think about it. I'm taking one because for the first time in what feels like EVER I have nothing on my plate tomorrow. And I want just one day to myself before the mad rush of finals begins.

I think I hear my bed calling me. Good night!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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