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writer's apathy
Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003

Now Playing - the Mets game, and my husband talking. And talking.
Now Eating -
Now Feeling - ventilated.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Oh Chai, I hear you. I'm suffering from what I can only deem Writer's Apathy. Can't get up the gumption to write. (Aargh...and now the Huz is talking and I have to make those "uhh-huhm" noises to sound like I am playing some sort of attention.) I have thoughts, but by the time things calm down and I get "me time" in front of the computer, the last thing I'm able to do is gather my thoughts to compose an entry.

Well, here goes nothin'.

Last week? Orientation Week from Hell? Well, let's say it was comprised of approximately 300 Scantrons, photocopies thereof, assignment of advisors to 300 students, notifying the advisors of their advisees and vice versa, photographing of 300 students, notifying them that their ID cards were ready, collating and stapling of 1200 pieces of paper (300 of which had to be tri-folded by hand), much stuffing of mailboxes, three workdays with no lunch break (one of which was 10� hours long)...and the capper? The capper? Thursday night at 6:30, when I informed my boss the 1200 pieces of paper would not be finished until the next day (because frankly, I was bloody fed up with collating, folding and stapling), he said to me, "Well, you did the best you could."

"You did the best you could."

Hell-fucking-yeah, I did the best I could. And with no help from him. Good gawddamn. Pissed me off but good.

I cooled off some by the next day, but there was still a full load of collating, stapling and folding to be done. And we had our glorious "Staff Picnic" (in the cafeteria...don't ask), which I spent the majority of stuffing mailboxes. So when I won a Barnes & Noble Gift Card in a drawing (heck, I should not show up for things more often!), The Boss had to sheepishly tell everyone I was busy still working, and go find me to award my prize. And tell me to go get some food. Never was I so glad for a work week to be over.

That night, we went to the Best Man and Wife's house for Mexican food, and to eat their delicious baby girls. Who, at a year and four months, are not babies anymore. They're very cute. We watched Best In Show. And drank various and sundry blender beverages. And did two shots of tequila, lord-help-me.

Brief Sidebar for Tequila Story: Winter of 1990, semi-fresh out of college, I did Seven Brides for Seven Brothers here. We lived in a big, three-story Victorian cast house, bonded from the moment we met in the airport terminal and had a grand time. Being that we were together for the holidays, we did Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Night before Thanksgiving, we had a co-birthday party for two cast members in the apartment where the dance captain and male lead were living. I did tequila shots for the first time. And proceeded to get very sloppy and maudlin drunk, as was my fashion at the time. Thanksgiving was spent shlepping between the first- and third-floor kitchens, trying to cook my two side dishes in between dry heaves. One side dish didn't make it. And I couldn't smell nail polish remover for a week without gagging. Jose Cuervo, you were not a friend of mine.

The results were far less tragic this time. And the combination of cute kids, Mexican food, blender drinks and Christopher Guest was a great way to decompress from The Week from Hell. I swear, I was vacillating between wanting to cry, scream, quit, or just come home and tell The Huz not to speak to me or ask me to do one damn thing.

But thankfully, once I got home I was able to leave it all behind. He was there, and listened, and let me vent and I just felt better. Just being with him makes me feel better. I've said previously that I've worked hard to make our home a "sanctuary" where my husband can feel he can escape from the outside world. And what do you know? It works both ways. And that was the one saving grace of last week.

And we are now planning for an actual vacation. Because oh-mah-stars, do we need it. Mark your calendars - September 24 through 28 I will be somewhere that is not here. I've put out feelers to a bed and breakfast in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, which will give us the opportunity to outlet shop, and go "antiqueing" (as Frasier and Niles would say), and eat ourselves silly on seafood, and maybe hit some National Parks. And we'll take the ferry over the Sound, and wave at Golfwidow and Lees and Cubicle Girl on the way.

And just be outta here. I can't wait.

Oh...OH! I almost forgot! I sponsored Marn in the Jog for the Jugs!

I’m a Bazonga Booster...are you?

You can too!

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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