but can she bake a cherry pie?

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on christmas day in the early afternoon
Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2002

Now Playing -
Now Eating -
Now Feeling -
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Holiday greetings from the Mod Household.

Presents have been opened, The Huz has hit the showers, and Yours Truly is having hors d'oeuvres for breakfast.

Typical day.

We'll be off to The Huz's cousins in a few hours, then to Bill & H.B.'s later in the day. Thanksgiving redux.

Last night, we went over the Best Man & Wife's house, had some nosh and some vino and some cuddling with their darling baby twins. Damn, those kiddles are cute. Cheeks big enough to eat. And huge blues eyes that'll slay quite a few little boys someday.

"The babies" got us a bottle of Korbel, and a beautiful Mickey & Minnie ornament that is now hanging in a place of honor on our tree.

Yes, we got our tree Monday night, after searching out a half-dozen tree farms/stands in this county and the next. Where did we meet with success? At a nursery about 5 minutes from my MIL's house. It's tallish, and skinnyish and fits the space very well. The tree, that is. I decorated yesterday while Huz was at the doctor with MIL, and now all it needs is a liberal application of icicles courtesy of my icicle-overenthusiastic spouse. I discovered that we're missing 3 large blue-green ball ornaments that Leslie got us 2 years ago, and our star. Our tree is starless. Maybe I'll manage a quick ransack of the MIL's house before we hit the road.

Huz spoke with his sister last night while I was showering, to update her on the doctor visit (but that's another entry, folks). She was preparing to wrap her two kids' presents. A daunting task, as she'd gotten them THIRTY PRESENTS EACH. Because they had to get the same amount of presents, or her older boy (11) would complain. So although her baby (2� y/o) girl's gifts were decidedly less expensive, and he's at an age where this could easily be explained to him, she caved and bought them each 30 GIFTS EACH. Considering that their family is in some financial straits right now due to some bad investment moves, this strikes me as oh, I dunno...fucking nuts. There, I said it, it's out. I can't believe this. Perhaps it could also have been explained to her son that they need to do a little belt-tightening, and that presents will be cut down a bit this year (for my niece it's different - she's still young enough that the amount doesn't matter). Or perhaps nothing need have been said at all...it could have just behooved my SIL to take it easy with the conspicuous holiday consumerism. But no. Thirty.

I will readily admit to being a bit of a shopaholic myself, but that's just out of control. Especially considering their circumstances. I cannot ever remember a Hanukkah where I got more than maybe five presents, and many years where I never got the items I hoped and wished and asked for.

This is getting into a whole 'nother bitter area, so I'm going to stop now. Deep cleansing breath.

Have a great holiday, spend it with those you love, and remember how much that's worth.


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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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