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scenes from a marriage, part 6
Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2008

Now Playing - hum of dishwasher.
Now Eating - nothing I can chew.
Now Feeling - numb.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Huz and I have begun collectively hallucinating. I have a separate keychain that holds my Mobil SpeedPass, seventeen thousand customer reward keytags and a USB flash drive. I was looking for it all Sunday night.

"I took it out of my purse yesterday because I didn't want to take it to Montauk."

"I know, and I'm sure I left it on top of your laptop."

"Right, with the other stuff that I took out, and my credit card holder. There they are, but where's the flash drive?"

I was starting to suspect that Ernest Hemingway had taken it and hidden it somewhere, though that's not like him.

Until I got into work Monday and found it, sticking out of my USB port. Just where I'd left it on Friday.

The marital hive mind at work.

Oh, how I love the change of seasons, summer into fall. My skin is weird, I'm molting like a neurotic parakeet, and I have no idea whether I have an actual cold or whether it's just allergies running amok.

Isn't "amok" a fun word? I think we should all run amok a bit more.

Ladies (or gentlemen for that matter), if you ever discover you've left your compact at home, rest assured that the back of your iPod (if you have one) makes an excellent substitute mirror. Your lipliner will thank you.

Speaking of boyfriends who look like girlfriends, I was not surprised to find out that an old schoolmate I'd last seen doing drag on Fire Island was now reportedly doing drag in Key West. I was surprised to run into a guy I'd done a show with and, when I asked him what was new, have him tell me about his new drag persona. Who later friended me on myspace. As a boy and a girl. Weird.

I had two bad dreams one morning last week: one was about the death of someone close to me, and the other had Teeny Dean coming back from maternity leave three weeks early. Guess which one made me wake up screaming?

Had a filling replaced today, and the Singing Dentist used novocaine on me. First time in my life. It's been two and a half hours, and I'm still feeling like a stroke patient. I just tried eating something because, well, I'm hungry, and I think I may have chewed a hole in my left cheek and eaten half my tongue. I'll leave you with that lovely image. Off to nap and hope I can feel my face when next I wake.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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