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life, now with 100% more cat
Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008

Now Playing - B-52's, "Dirty Back Road."
Now Eating - pizza.
Now Feeling - pretty damn good.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

So I had a really nice birthday weekend.

Between bringing the Esteemed Writer into our home (what? he has opposable thumbs! he could hold a pen if he wanted to!), having a pretty good callback (entirely too early in the morning) for a show, eating a lovely birthday meal and winning $670 in an Oscar pool...yeah, it was a nice birthday weekend.

Mr. Hemingway is still adorable.

Blissed out, on the couch.

He "talks," purrs like a champ, kneads everything in sight, loves to be petted and skritched, spends his days sleeping (except today, when I came home for lunch and found him on the couch, eating MY Godiva and watching the soaps) and his nights�well, he goes kind of nuts at night.

He seems to be rather "living room-centric," so when we retire to the bedroom he is heartily displeased. Stands in the doorway meowing and trying to coax us back out. When that doesn't work, he gets up on the bed and sets a spell.

And then begins attacking our feet.

And chasing his tail. On the bed. Bit like sleeping with the Tasmanian Devil. But he seems to be calming down. Monday night the antics lasted only about fifteen minutes, and then he settled in and slept at the foot of the bed until at least 5 a.m. Last night was even better. Hopefully he's starting to feel at home.

His dislikes include sudden noises and movements (he doesn't freak out, just gets momentarily startled), and being picked up or hovered over. He seems slightly claustrophobic in that regard. But he's eating well (we were told he'd eat all day if he could [or if he lived with my parents, but that's another matter entirely]) and his other...erm, bodily functions are occurring regularly too. And he doesn't shed very much, or tear at the furniture or get into things he shouldn't (though it is early yet and he's still getting a feel for the joint). But I sometimes think he's this little cyborg kitty, who doesn't know how to emulate the behavior of real kitties.

And of course my parents had to come over on Sunday to meet their new grandkitty. Gifted him with a bed (that he hasn't used yet) and a laser pointer. Sure, get him all riled up with the pointer, then dump him on us. Typical grandparents.

He's really pretty swell.

handsome devil

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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