but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

money can�t buy happiness
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2006

Now Playing - Without a Trace.
Now Eating - just finished pizza & salad from CPK.
Now Feeling - full.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

...but I now know relative contentment can be had for 75 bucks a month.

That�s how much my �script was last night. Though I think it will be less next month; my insurance co.�s website mentions something about meeting a $50 deductible before I can pay just the $25 co-pay. Still, I (and others) believe it�s worth every penny.

Talk to me in a month when exams are going full-tilt. I may have to double my dosage.

Anniversary Flowers: Day 15!

The Bouquet of Dorian Gray

One of the librarians has taken to calling them �The Bouquet of Dorian Gray.� Like they�ve got another dead bouquet stashed in an attic someplace. A student came in today and said, �You get more flowers than anyone I�ve ever met!� She couldn�t believe they were two weeks old.

Plowed through Predator last night. What can I say? it was an impulse buy while waiting at the pharmacy. It was...eh. A fast read. But Cornwell�s like Dean Koontz to me. They�re Chinese food writers � an hour later and you�re empty again. I�ve picked up Cornwell�s books years after reading them, and without looking at the back cover blurb I could not tell one plotline from another. Disposable literature. But it was entertaining. That doesn�t alleviate the guilt over seeing Savage Beauty and Scoundrel Time languishing on the shelf.

Off to watch some disposable television.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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