but can she bake a cherry pie?

the here and now ~ too cool to be forgotten ~ if i wrote you ~ send me a postcard, drop me a line ~ where i'm from ~ variations on a design theme by... ~ i wish... ~ shameless self-promotion ~ host

Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004

Now Playing - ladies' platform diving.
Now Eating - drinking, DP.
Now Feeling - achy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

Blatantly swiped from the only GW that matters, because I was too busy at work this week (orientation at The Little Law School That Almost Could) to try and crank out an entry.

  1. Were you named after anyone?: My Hebrew name is for my paternal great-grandmother. My �real� name is for the wimpy Mrs. Wilkes of Gone with the Wind fame.

  2. Do you wish on stars?: Yes. Usually just to ask for everything to work out okay.

  3. Which finger is your favorite?: My left ring finger, for purely non-sentimental reasons. I sprained it playing basketball in high school (my only sports-related injury ever), and consequently it�s the straightest, �prettiest� one.

  4. When did you last cry?: Maybe a month ago, while watching a movie.

  5. Do you like your handwriting?: When I have the time to write slowly, it�s not bad. But I�ve spent the past ten years writing furiously at work, and my penmanship�s suffered. Terribly.

  6. What's your favorite lunch meat?: A good lean pastrami.

  7. Any bad habits?: I procrastinate like nobody�s business, I�m lazy, messy. And can be a raging bitch when I�m PMSing.

  8. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf?: Bryan Adams� Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman? Hey, my husband plays weddings � what can I say?

  9. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I�d probably think I was a bitch at first, but I�d eventually come around.

  10. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: I must have somewhere along the way, but since my friends still speak to me, it must not have been earth-shattering.

  11. Do looks matter?: I�m an actor; you bet they do.

  12. How do you release anger?: I don�t very well. I hang on to shit for a really long time.

  13. Where is your second home?: Here.

  14. Do you trust others easily?: Nope.

  15. What was your favorite toy as a child?: Panda, the stuffed panda bear that the folks in my dad�s office got for me when I had eye surgery.

  16. What class in school do you think is totally useless?: Gym. Unless you think it�s useful to humiliate kids who are not good at sports.

  17. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Moi?

  18. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: No. I�m not really the �mosh� type.

  19. What do you look for in a guy/girl?: People who can make me laugh, and who get my sense of humor. People I can talk to about anything.

  20. What are your nicknames?: Mel, Mellie, Mellie-bells.

  21. Would you bungee jump?: There�s enough left of my former fear of heights to find that utterly ridiculous.

  22. Do you think that you are strong willed?: My parents always joke that my first word was �No!� You be the judge.

  23. What's your favourite ice cream flavour?: The Peppermint I had on my honeymoon, Hershey�s Cotton Candy, or Baskin-Robbins� Pink Bubblegum

  24. Shoe Size?: 6-6�, depending on the shoe.

  25. What are your favourite colours?: Blues, greens, purples. . . anything ocean-y.

  26. What is your least favourite thing?: Food poisoning.

  27. How many wisdom teeth do you have?: All four, all impacted. Since I have no real theatre coming up for a while, I really should take care of them.

  28. How many people have a crush on you right now?: Maybe 1�.

  29. What color pants are you wearing?: [Letterman]I�m not wearing pants![/Letterman]

  30. What are you listening to right now?: The Olympics.

  31. Last thing you ate?: Trader Joe�s Pizza Olympiad, in the spirit of The Games.

  32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Blue violet.

  33. What is the weather like right now?: It rained like all get-out a few hours ago, and that dropped the temp about ten degrees. So 70� F, 66% humidity.

  34. Last person you talked to on the phone?: My mom.

  35. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Eyes. Followed by teeth. Which is really weird, because I don�t look people in the eye when I talk to them. I focus on people�s mouths.

  36. Do you like the person who sent you this?: She would rock my toesocks if I had �em. My cousin had them when we were kids; I never did. But I�m not bitter.

  37. How are you today?: Achy. But as we Jews say, �Ma nishtana. . . ?�

  38. Favourite drink?: I am very, very into chai tea lattes lately.

  39. Favourite alcoholic drink?: A good shiraz, a good Belgian white, a well-made Mojito, or just gimme a Malibu and Coke.

  40. Favourite Sport: Baseball.

  41. Hair colour?: Once all the �colour� grows out, I�m thinking it�ll be light golden brown with a fair amount of grey.

  42. Eye colour?: Green, with grey rims and orange flecks around the pupils.

  43. Do you wear contacts?: Yep, since the age of twelve.

  44. Siblings?: One brother, four years younger..

  45. Favourite food?: Anything spicy. I had a Cajun pasta dish last week that made my lower eyelids sweat.

  46. Last movie you watched?: CAMP, on DVD.

  47. What is your favourite day of the year?: My anniversary.

  48. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: I�m out of the market, but when I was in it, I was notoriously bad at the whole �dating� thing. Inasmuch as I had one �boyfriend� before I met my husband.

  49. Scary movies or happy endings?: Good scary movies, that don�t make me yell at the screen over glaring plot inconsistencies.

  50. Hugs or kisses?: Great, soul-exchanging �Every Day A Little Death� kisses.

  51. What are your current Living Arrangements?: A garden apartment, shared with The Huz and a thriving philodendron.

  52. What's on your mouse pad?: Wallace & Gromit.

  53. Favourite board game?: Anything that involves word games or answering trivia questions. The game of the season in Cherry Grove was Three for All. We�re on Trivial Pursuit Genus 5 with Bill and H.B. And I absolutely love Celebrity. Least favorite game? Pictionary. Why? Because I CAN�T TALK!

  54. What did you watch on TV last night?: Nothing. We had dinner with friends.

  55. Favourite Smell?: The ocean.

  56. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?: �Do I have to????�

  57. Favorite sound?: Ocean waves. See nos. 25 & 55 - could I be more of a Pisces?

  58. Do you think you will ever have a love relationship with the person who sent this to you?: She already has a hetero lifemate, so I guess I�m out of luck.

  59. ~^ would you like to leave word? ^~
    0 of you lovely people have left word so far

    ~^ what was ~ what will be ^~

    ~^ randomize me! ^~

    a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
    happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
    this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
    this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
    a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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