but can she bake a cherry pie?

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busy busy busy
Monday, Jun. 30, 2003

Now Playing - "I Can't Make You Love Me" - Bonnie Raitt.
Now Eating -
Now Feeling - headachy.
Now Tweeting - Melanie

I love a hot sauce that's pure capsaicin. Having some Mexican "grandma food" The Boss brought back from a new local place.

Busy weekend. Busy week, too, but it consisted of work and rehearsals, no fun. Friday was The Huz's birthday. Forty. He received clothes, a Talking Cartman (who is, unfortunately, not as funny as Talking Timmy), and a copy of Pet Sounds from me, a Mr. Bill bobblehead doll from another friend, and a birthday dinner at Chili's last night from Bill and H.B. I still have stuff I want to get for him.

That night, since Huz was working, I went to dinner with a dear friend. And we ate and laughed and talked for four hours. He's really a special person, and one who deserves better than he's gotten lately. We talked about his relationships, and mine, and theatre, and life, and I was told for the second time that week what a "wise woman" I am. Now, if he'd only take my advice!

Heh. "Wise woman." Thing is, I'm a lot wiser than I was ten, fifteen years ago. But it's a process. Yeah, I don't do a lot of the stupid shit I used to (and it helps when you have someone around whose job it is to call you on the "stupid shit"), but hell, now I just do different shit! Steps on the journey, folks.

Saturday was rehearsal, then lunch and a bit of shpatsiring (that's "window shopping" in Yiddish) around town. And home to shower and dress for my friends' housewarming. I like their apartment, but they've been there less than a month and it's still a blank slate. Very neutral colors, nothing on the walls.... ::Mel rubs her hands together and cackles evilly under her breath:: Juuuuust let me get my hands on them...IKEA here we come!

Sunday was another rehearsal, and then I rushed off to Hofstra to see the closing performance of Fair Liberty�s Call, which I was working on one year ago. It was the first "fully staged production." Not bad...the director made some odd choices, such as having ensemble members sit onstage in interminable freezes while the action was going on in other scenes. I've had to do that on more than one occasion, and it is not fun. I liked some new things, but missed others. Some of the people we had last year were better. But I do wish I could have been part of it - to have had more than a week's rehearsal, to have had costumes, and a set. But I think there may have been daytime rehearsals. Y'know, I might have considered taking time off. Probably would have killed us financially. Still, it was great to see some of the "holdovers" from last year. And to know that I was missed. And who's to say where it'll go next?

One more bit of Music Man fodder...Marian the Librarian chooses to pronounce the name of her place of employ as..."the liberry". And I heard her say it that way backstage, so I'll leave it up to you to determine the girl's intelligence level. Also that of a director who would choose not to correct her! Once again, counting my blessings.

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a very fine cat indeed - Friday, Jan. 17, 2014
happy new year! - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013
this is where i am - Saturday, Jun. 30, 2012
this is how it is - Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
a very late last year's wrap-up - Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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